
(sōu) to search

搜刮 (w)

(sōuguā) to extort (money); to fleece

搜寻 (w)

(sōuxún) to search; to look for

搜寻引擎 (w)

(sōuxúnyǐnqíng) Internet search engine; also written 搜索引擎

搜寻软体 (w)

(sōuxúnruǎntǐ) search software

搜捕 (w)

(sōubǔ) to hunt and arrest (fugitives); to track down and arrest; a manhunt

搜救 (w)

(sōujiù) search and rescue

搜救犬 (w)

(sōujiùquǎn) search and rescue dog

搜查 (w)

(sōuchá) to search

搜检 (w)

(sōujiǎn) to search out; to check

搜求 (w)

(sōuqiú) to seek; to look for

搜狐 (w)

(sōuhú) Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company

搜狐网 (w)

(sōuhúwǎng) Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company

搜狗 (w)

(sōugǒu) Sougou (searching dog) search engine, www.sogou.com

搜获 (w)

(sōuhuò) to find; to capture (after search); to uncover (evidence)

搜索 (w)

(sōusuǒ) to search; to look for sth; to scour (search meticulously); to look sth up; internet search; database search

搜索引擎 (w)

(sōusuǒyǐnqíng) Internet search engine

搜索枯肠 (w)

(sōusuǒkūcháng) to search dry guts (idiom); to racks one's brains for a good wording (of a poet)

搜罗 (w)

(sōuluó) to gather; to collect; to bring together

搜肠刮肚 (w)

(sōuchángguādù) to search one's guts and belly (idiom); to racks one's brains for a solution

搜证 (w)

(sōuzhèng) search warrant; to look for evidence

搜集 (w)

(sōují) to gather; to collect