
(dā) to put up; to build (scaffolding); to hang (clothes on a pole); to connect; to join; to arrange in pairs; to match; to add; to throw in (resources); to take (boat, train)

搭乘 (w)

(dāchéng) to embark

搭伙 (w)

(dāhuǒ) to join up with sb; to become partner; to take meals regularly in cafeteria

搭伴 (w)

(dābàn) travel with another; accompany another

搭便 (w)

(dābiàn) at one's convenience; in passing

搭便车 (w)

(dābiànchē) to hitch a ride

搭咕 (w)

(dāgū) to connect; to discuss

搭嘴 (w)

(dāzuǐ) to answer

搭坐 (w)

(dāzuò) to travel by; to ride on

搭帮 (w)

(dābāng) to travel together; thanks to

搭建 (w)

(dājiàn) to build (esp. with simple materials); to knock together (a temporary shed); to rig up

搭扣 (w)

(dākòu) a buckle or fastener for clothing that does not use a button and buttonhole (e.g. the buckle on metal wristwatches)

搭把手 (w)

(dābǎshǒu) to help out

搭把手儿 (w)

(dābǎshǒur) erhua variant of 搭把手[da1 ba3 shou3]

搭拉 (w)

(dāla) variant of 耷拉[da1 la5]

搭接 (w)

(dājiē) to join; to connect up

搭接片 (w)

(dājiēpiàn) buckle; connector; overlapping joint

搭救 (w)

(dājiù) rescue

搭架子 (w)

(dājiàzi) to put up scaffolding; to build a framework; to launch an enterprise

搭桌 (w)

(dāzhuō) charity performance (theater in former times)

搭档 (w)

(dādàng) to cooperate; partner

搭理 (w)

(dāli) variant of 答理[da1 li5]

搭界 (w)

(dājiè) an interface; to relate with; to affiliate

搭白 (w)

(dābái) to answer

搭缝 (w)

(dāfèng) overlaid seam

搭肩 (w)

(dājiān) to help lift up onto one's shoulders; to stand on sb's shoulder

搭背 (w)

(dābèi) harness pad (on draught animal)

搭腔 (w)

(dāqiāng) to answer; to respond; to converse

搭腰 (w)

(dāyāo) harness pad (on draught animal)

搭脚手架 (w)

(dājiǎoshǒujià) to put up scaffolding

搭膊 (w)

(dābó) shoulder bag

搭茬 (w)

(dāchá) to respond

搭茬儿 (w)

(dāchár) erhua variant of 搭茬, to respond

搭盖 (w)

(dāgài) to build (esp. with simple materials); to knock together (a temporary shed); to rig up

搭街坊 (w)

(dājiēfang) to become neighbors

搭补 (w)

(dābǔ) to subsidize; to make up (deficit)

搭裢 (w)

(dālian) variant of 褡褳|褡裢[da1 lian5]

搭讪 (w)

(dāshàn) to hit on someone; to strike up a conversation; to start talking to end an awkward silence or embarrassing situation

搭话 (w)

(dāhuà) to talk; to get into conversation with; to send word

搭调 (w)

(dādiào) to match; in tune; reasonable

搭赸 (w)

(dāshàn) see 搭訕|搭讪[da1 shan4]

搭车 (w)

(dāchē) to ride (in a vehicle); to get a lift; to hitch-hike

搭载 (w)

(dāzài) to transport (people, a payload etc)

搭轻铁 (w)

(dāqīngtiě) Hong Kong LRT

搭连 (w)

(dālián) to bridge over; colligation (linguistics)

搭连 (w)

(dālian) variant of 褡褳|褡裢[da1 lian5]

搭配 (w)

(dāpèi) to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to add sth into a group

搭钩 (w)

(dāgōu) a hook; to make contact with sb