
(liāo) to lift up (sth hanging down); to raise (hem of skirt); to pull up (sleeve); to sprinkle (water with cupped hands)


(liáo) stitch; to take; to tease; to provoke; to stir up (emotions)

撩人 (w)

(liáorén) to attract; to titillate

撩动 (w)

(liáodòng) to stir up; to provoke

撩惹 (w)

(liáorě) to provoke; to tease

撩拨 (w)

(liáobō) to provoke; to tease

撩是生非 (w)

(liáoshìshēngfēi) to stir up trouble; to provoke angry exchange

撩起 (w)

(liāoqǐ) to raise; to lift up (curtains, clothing etc)

撩逗 (w)

(liáodòu) to provoke; to tease