
(bō) to sow; to scatter; to spread; to broadcast; Taiwan pr. [bo4]

播出 (w)

(bōchū) to broadcast; to put out TV programs

播报 (w)

(bōbào) to announce; to read (the news)

播报员 (w)

(bōbàoyuán) announcer

播客 (w)

(bōkè) radio broadcast; podcast; internet audio subscription service

播弄 (w)

(bōnong) to order people about; to stir up; to sow discord

播放 (w)

(bōfàng) to broadcast; to transmit

播放列表 (w)

(bōfànglièbiǎo) playlist

播放机 (w)

(bōfàngjī) player (e.g. CD player)

播映 (w)

(bōyìng) to broadcast a film; to televise

播种 (w)

(bōzhǒng) to sow seeds; sowing; seed

播送 (w)

(bōsòng) broadcast; transmit; beam

播音 (w)

(bōyīn) to transmit; to broadcast