
(shōu) to receive; to accept; to collect; in care of (used on address line after name)

收之桑榆 (w)

(shōuzhīsāngyú) to lose at sunrise but gain at sunset (idiom); to compensate later for one's earlier loss; what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts

收件人 (w)

(shōujiànrén) recipient (of mail); To: (email header)

收件匣 (w)

(shōujiànxiá) inbox (email)

收件箱 (w)

(shōujiànxiāng) inbox

收伏 (w)

(shōufú) to force an enemy to surrender; to subdue

收入 (w)

(shōurù) to take in; income; revenue; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]

收入政策 (w)

(shōurùzhèngcè) income policy

收兵 (w)

(shōubīng) to retreat; to withdraw troops; to recall troops; fig. to finish work; to wind up; to call it a day; used with negatives: the task is far from over

收冬 (w)

(shōudōng) harvest season; autumn

收到 (w)

(shōudào) to receive

收割 (w)

(shōugē) to harvest; to reap; to gather in crops

收割者 (w)

(shōugēzhě) reaper

收汇 (w)

(shōuhuì) foreign exchange collection (finance)

收取 (w)

(shōuqǔ) to receive; to collect

收口 (w)

(shōukǒu) to cast off (in knitting); to sew a finishing hem; to close up (of wound); to heal

收回 (w)

(shōuhuí) to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke

收报 (w)

(shōubào) to receive mail; to receive a telegraph

收报人 (w)

(shōubàorén) recipient (of mail or a message)

收报员 (w)

(shōubàoyuán) telegraph operator

收报室 (w)

(shōubàoshì) mail room; radio reception room

收报机 (w)

(shōubàojī) telegraph receiver

收场 (w)

(shōuchǎng) the end; an ending; to wind down; to conclude

收存 (w)

(shōucún) to receive for storage; delivery of goods; to gather and store; to store safely; safe keeping

收存箱 (w)

(shōucúnxiāng) delivery box; drop box

收官 (w)

(shōuguān) final part of a go game (see 官子[guan1 zi3]); endgame

收容 (w)

(shōuróng) to take in (to a hostel); to shelter

收容所 (w)

(shōuróngsuǒ) temporary shelter; hospice; refuge (e.g. for animals)

收尾 (w)

(shōuwěi) to wind up; to bring to an end; to finish

收尾音 (w)

(shōuwěiyīn) final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)

收工 (w)

(shōugōng) to stop work for the day (generally of laborers); to knock off

收废站 (w)

(shōufèizhàn) garbage collection point; trash dump

收复 (w)

(shōufù) to recover (lost territory etc); to recapture

收复失地 (w)

(shōufùshīdì) to recover lost territory

收心 (w)

(shōuxīn) to concentrate on the task; to curb one's evil instincts

收成 (w)

(shōuchéng) harvest

收房 (w)

(shōufáng) to take as a concubine

收押 (w)

(shōuyā) in custody; to keep sb in detention

收拾 (w)

(shōushi) to put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; to punish (colloquial); to manage

收据 (w)

(shōujù) receipt; CL:張|张[zhang1]

收揽 (w)

(shōulǎn) to win the support of; to get over to one's side; to keep control of

收支 (w)

(shōuzhī) cash flow; financial balance; income and expenditure

收支平衡点 (w)

(shōuzhīpínghéngdiǎn) break-even point

收支相抵 (w)

(shōuzhīxiāngdǐ) to break even; balance between income and expenditure

收效 (w)

(shōuxiào) to yield results

收敛 (w)

(shōuliǎn) to vanish; to moderate; to exercise restraint; to curb (ones' mirth, arrogance etc); to astringe; to converge

收敛序列 (w)

(shōuliǎnxùliè) convergent sequence (math.)

收敛性 (w)

(shōuliǎnxìng) convergence (math.); astringent

收敛级数 (w)

(shōuliǎnjíshù) convergent series (math.)

收敛锋芒 (w)

(shōuliǎnfēngmáng) to draw in one's claws; to show some modesty

收方 (w)

(shōufāng) receiving party; recipient; debit side (of balance sheet), as opposed to credit side 付方[fu4 fang1]

收服 (w)

(shōufú) to subdue; to force to capitulate; to reduce to submission; to soothe

收条 (w)

(shōutiáo) receipt

收款台 (w)

(shōukuǎntái) checkout counter; cashier's desk

收残缀轶 (w)

(shōucánzhuìyì) to gather and patch up sth that is badly damaged (idiom)

收获 (w)

(shōuhuò) variant of 收穫|收获[shou1 huo4]

收生婆 (w)

(shōushēngpó) midwife

收留 (w)

(shōuliú) to offer shelter; to have sb in one's care

收留所 (w)

(shōuliúsuǒ) barrack

收发 (w)

(shōufā) to receive and send; to receive and transmit

收发室 (w)

(shōufāshì) mail room; radio room (i.e. reception and transmission)

收发短信 (w)

(shōufāduǎnxìn) to text; to receive and send SMS messages

收益 (w)

(shōuyì) earnings; profit

收益帐户 (w)

(shōuyìzhànghù) income account (accountancy)

收监 (w)

(shōujiān) to imprison; to take into custody

收盘 (w)

(shōupán) market close

收盘价 (w)

(shōupánjià) closing price (of share, commodity etc); .

收看 (w)

(shōukàn) to view; to watch TV; to receive TV channels

收票员 (w)

(shōupiàoyuán) ticket collector

收礼 (w)

(shōulǐ) to accept a gift; to receive presents

收税 (w)

(shōushuì) to collect tax

收获 (w)

(shōuhuò) to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward

收获节 (w)

(shōuhuòjié) harvest festival

收纳 (w)

(shōunà) to accept

收紧 (w)

(shōujǐn) to tighten up (restrictions etc)

收编 (w)

(shōubiān) to incorporate into one's troops; to weave in

收缩 (w)

(shōusuō) to pull back; to shrink; to contract

收缩压 (w)

(shōusuōyā) systolic blood pressure

收缴 (w)

(shōujiǎo) to recover (illegally obtained property); to seize; to capture; to force sb to hand over sth; to levy

收罗 (w)

(shōuluó) to gather (people); to collect (talent); to come to an end

收听 (w)

(shōutīng) to listen (to); to listen (in)

收藏 (w)

(shōucáng) to hoard; to collect; collection; to bookmark (internet)

收藏夹 (w)

(shōucángjiā) favorites folder (web browser)

收藏家 (w)

(shōucángjiā) a collector (e.g. of artworks)

收视率 (w)

(shōushìlǜ) ratings

收讯 (w)

(shōuxùn) (wireless) reception

收词 (w)

(shōucí) to collect words; to harvest entries for a dictionary

收货人 (w)

(shōuhuòrén) addressee; consignee

收买 (w)

(shōumǎi) to purchase; to bribe

收费 (w)

(shōufèi) fee; charge

收费站 (w)

(shōufèizhàn) tollbooth

收购 (w)

(shōugòu) to purchase (from various places); to acquire (a company)

收银 (w)

(shōuyín) cash out

收银机 (w)

(shōuyínjī) cash register; check out counter

收录 (w)

(shōulù) to include; included in; to record

收集 (w)

(shōují) to gather; to collect

收集情报 (w)

(shōujíqíngbào) to gather intelligence

收音机 (w)

(shōuyīnjī) radio; CL:臺|台[tai2]

收养 (w)

(shōuyǎng) to adopt a child; adoption