
(jiù) to save; to assist; to rescue

救世 (w)

(jiùshì) salvation

救世主 (w)

(jiùshìzhǔ) the Savior (in Christianity)

救世军 (w)

(jiùshìjūn) Salvation Army (protestant philanthropic organization founded in London in 1865)

救主 (w)

(jiùzhǔ) Savior

救亡 (w)

(jiùwáng) to save from extinction; to save the nation

救出 (w)

(jiùchū) to rescue; to pluck from danger

救助 (w)

(jiùzhù) aid; to help sb in trouble

救命 (w)

(jiùmìng) to save sb's life; (interjection) Help!; (interjection) Save me!

救国 (w)

(jiùguó) to save the nation

救市 (w)

(jiùshì) market rescue (by central bank)

救急不救穷 (w)

(jiùjíbùjiùqióng) help the starving but not the poor (idiom)

救恩 (w)

(jiùēn) salvation

救恩计划 (w)

(jiùēnjìhuà) plan of salvation

救援 (w)

(jiùyuán) to save; to support; to help; to assist

救援队 (w)

(jiùyuánduì) rescue team

救捞局 (w)

(jiùlāojú) sea rescue service; lifeboat service

救星 (w)

(jiùxīng) lit. saving star (cf star of Bethlehem in biblical nativity story); fig. savior (individual or organization); liberator; emancipator; knight in shining armor; cf Mao Zedong in north Shaanxi folk song The East is red 東方紅|东方红

救治 (w)

(jiùzhì) to rescue and give medical treatment

救活 (w)

(jiùhuó) to bring back to life

救济 (w)

(jiùjì) emergency relief; to help the needy with cash or goods

救济粮 (w)

(jiùjìliáng) relief grain; emergency provisions

救火 (w)

(jiùhuǒ) fire fighting

救灾 (w)

(jiùzāi) to relieve disaster; to help disaster victims

救灾救济司 (w)

(jiùzāijiùjìsī) emergency aid committee (of PRC Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部)

救灾款 (w)

(jiùzāikuǎn) disaster relief funds

救灾物资 (w)

(jiùzāiwùzī) relief provisions; material assistance

救焚益薪 (w)

(jiùfényìxīn) add firewood to put out the flames (idiom); fig. ill-advised action that only makes the problem worse; to add fuel to the fire

救生 (w)

(jiùshēng) to save a life; life-saving

救生圈 (w)

(jiùshēngquān) life buoy; life belt

救生筏 (w)

(jiùshēngfá) a life raft

救生船 (w)

(jiùshēngchuán) lifeboat

救生艇 (w)

(jiùshēngtǐng) lifeboat

救生艇甲板 (w)

(jiùshēngtǐngjiǎbǎn) boat deck (upper deck on which lifeboats are stored)

救生衣 (w)

(jiùshēngyī) life jacket; life vest

救生袋 (w)

(jiùshēngdài) safety chute

救生队 (w)

(jiùshēngduì) rescue team; CL:支[zhi1]

救护 (w)

(jiùhù) rescue; administer first-aid

救护人员 (w)

(jiùhùrényuán) rescue worker

救护车 (w)

(jiùhùchē) ambulance; CL:輛|辆[liang4]

救赎 (w)

(jiùshú) to rescue and redeem

救赎主 (w)

(jiùshúzhǔ) Redeemer

救难 (w)

(jiùnán) to rescue; rescue (operation, workers)