
(liǎn) to hold back; to restrain; to control (oneself); to collect; Taiwan pr. [lian4]


(liàn) variant of 殮|殓[lian4]

敛步 (w)

(liǎnbù) to restrain motion; to check one's step

敛衽 (w)

(liǎnrèn) old-fashioned women's obeisance; Taiwan pr. [lian4 ren4]

敛财 (w)

(liǎncái) to accumulate wealth by dishonest means

敛迹 (w)

(liǎnjì) to refrain; to give up evil (temporarily); to cover one's traces; to lie low; to retire (from view)

敛钱 (w)

(liǎnqián) to collect money; to raise funds (for charity)