
(fū) to spread; to lay out; to apply (powder, ointment etc); sufficient (to cover); enough

敷布 (w)

(fūbù) medical dressing; bandage

敷料 (w)

(fūliào) medical dressing

敷演 (w)

(fūyǎn) variant of 敷衍; to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the meaning of the classics)

敷粉 (w)

(fūfěn) to sprinkle powder; a dusting

敷衍 (w)

(fūyǎn) to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch; to do sth half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by

敷衍了事 (w)

(fūyǎnliǎoshì) to skimp; to work half-heartedly; not to bother

敷衍塞责 (w)

(fūyǎnsèzé) to skimp on the job; to work half-heartedly; not to take the job seriously

敷裹 (w)

(fūguǒ) medical dressing

敷设 (w)

(fūshè) to lay; to spread out

敷贴 (w)

(fūtiē) to smear; to apply glue or ointment to a surface

敷陈 (w)

(fūchén) to give an orderly account; a thorough narrative