
(yūn) confused; dizzy; giddy; to faint; to swoon; to lose consciousness; to pass out


(yùn) dizzy; halo; ring around moon or sun

晕乎 (w)

(yūnhu) dizzy; giddy

晕倒 (w)

(yūndǎo) to faint; to swoon; to black out; to become unconscious

晕厥 (w)

(yūnjué) to faint

晕场 (w)

(yùnchǎng) to faint from stress (during exam, on stage etc)

晕染 (w)

(yùnrǎn) to smudge (become smeared); to smudge (create a blurred effect); shading (wash painting technique)

晕机 (w)

(yùnjī) to become airsick

晕死 (w)

(yūnsǐ) Geez!; Shoot!; No way!

晕池 (w)

(yùnchí) to faint in the bathroom (from heat)

晕眩 (w)

(yūnxuàn) daze; giddy

晕糊 (w)

(yūnhu) dizzy; giddy

晕船 (w)

(yùnchuán) to become seasick

晕血症 (w)

(yūnxuèzhèng) blood phobia

晕车 (w)

(yùnchē) carsick

晕针 (w)

(yùnzhēn) to faint during acupuncture or injection

晕头 (w)

(yūntóu) dizzy

晕头转向 (w)

(yūntóuzhuànxiàng) confused and disoriented

晕高儿 (w)

(yùngāor) to feel giddy on heights; vertigo