
(huān) joyous; happy; pleased

欢势 (w)

(huānshi) lively; full of vigor; vibrant; spirited

欢呼 (w)

(huānhū) to cheer for; to acclaim

欢喜 (w)

(huānxǐ) happy; joyous; delighted; to like; to be fond of

欢天喜地 (w)

(huāntiānxǐdì) delighted; wild with joy; lit. pleased with heaven, happy with earth (idiom)

欢娱 (w)

(huānyú) to amuse; to divert; happy; joyful; pleasure; amusement

欢宴 (w)

(huānyàn) feast; celebration

欢容悦色 (w)

(huānróngyuèsè) to look happy and contented (idiom)

欢实 (w)

(huānshi) lively; full of vigor; vibrant; spirited

欢心 (w)

(huānxīn) favor; liking; love; jubilation; joy

欢快 (w)

(huānkuài) cheerful and lighthearted; lively

欢悦 (w)

(huānyuè) happiness; joy; to be happy; to be joyous

欢愉 (w)

(huānyú) happy; joyous; delighted

欢庆 (w)

(huānqìng) to celebrate

欢乐 (w)

(huānlè) gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay

欢欣 (w)

(huānxīn) elated

欢欣鼓舞 (w)

(huānxīngǔwǔ) elated and excited (idiom); overjoyed

欢欢喜喜 (w)

(huānhuānxǐxǐ) happily

欢笑 (w)

(huānxiào) to laugh happily; a belly-laugh

欢聚一堂 (w)

(huānjùyītáng) to gather happily under one roof

欢蹦乱跳 (w)

(huānbèngluàntiào) glowing with health and vivacity (idiom)

欢迎 (w)

(huānyíng) to welcome; welcome

欢迎光临 (w)

(huānyíngguānglín) welcome

欢送 (w)

(huānsòng) to see off; to send off

欢腾 (w)

(huānténg) jubilation; great celebration; CL:片[pian4]