
(bù) a step; a pace; walk; march; stages in a process

步人后尘 (w)

(bùrénhòuchén) to follow in other people's footsteps

步伐 (w)

(bùfá) pace; (measured) step; march

步入 (w)

(bùrù) to step into; to enter

步兵 (w)

(bùbīng) infantry; foot; infantryman; foot soldier

步哨 (w)

(bùshào) sentry; sentinel

步子 (w)

(bùzi) step; pace

步履 (w)

(bùlǚ) gait; walk

步履紊乱 (w)

(bùlǚwěnluàn) to be in complete disorder

步履维艰 (w)

(bùlǚwéijiān) have difficulty walking; walk with difficulty

步态 (w)

(bùtài) gait; tread

步态蹒跚 (w)

(bùtàipánshān) to walk unsteadily

步摇 (w)

(bùyáo) dangling ornament worn by women

步操 (w)

(bùcāo) foot drill (military, physical exercises etc)

步斗踏罡 (w)

(bùdǒutàgāng) to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist astrology)

步月 (w)

(bùyuè) to stroll beneath the moon

步枪 (w)

(bùqiāng) rifle; CL:把[ba3],枝[zhi1]

步步 (w)

(bùbù) step by step; at every step

步步为营 (w)

(bùbùwéiyíng) to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step; to consolidate at every step

步步高升 (w)

(bùbùgāoshēng) to climb step by step; to rise steadily; on the up and up

步武 (w)

(bùwǔ) to walk in someone's steps; to follow in someone's footsteps (literary); a step (literary)

步法 (w)

(bùfǎ) footwork

步测 (w)

(bùcè) pacing

步犁 (w)

(bùlí) walking plow

步罡踏斗 (w)

(bùgāngtàdǒu) to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist astrology)

步行 (w)

(bùxíng) to go on foot; to walk

步行区 (w)

(bùxíngqū) pedestrian area

步行者 (w)

(bùxíngzhě) pedestrian

步行虫 (w)

(bùxíngchóng) ground beetle

步行街 (w)

(bùxíngjiē) car-free zone

步话机 (w)

(bùhuàjī) walkie-talkie

步调 (w)

(bùdiào) gait; marching order; step; pace

步调一致 (w)

(bùdiàoyīzhì) to be united in action

步进制 (w)

(bùjìnzhì) step by step system

步进马达 (w)

(bùjìnmǎdá) stepper motor

步道 (w)

(bùdào) walking path; pathway

步韵 (w)

(bùyùn) to write a poem using another poem's rhymes

步骤 (w)

(bùzhòu) procedure; step