
(máo) surname Mao


(máo) hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = 1; 10 yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1])

毛主席 (w)

(máozhǔxí) Chairman Mao; Mao Zedong 毛澤東|毛泽东 (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader

毛主席纪念堂 (w)

(máozhǔxíjìniàntáng) Mausoleum of Mao Zedong

毛主席语录 (w)

(máozhǔxíyǔlù) Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, published from 1964 to about 1976

毛主义 (w)

(máozhǔyì) Maoism

毛出在羊身上 (w)

(máochūzàiyángshēnshàng) lit. wool comes from the sheep's back (idiom); One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid.; Nothing comes for free.

毛利 (w)

(máolì) gross profit

毛刷 (w)

(máoshuà) brush

毛刺 (w)

(máocì) barb; whiskers

毛南族 (w)

(máonánzú) Maonan ethnic group of Guangxi

毛口 (w)

(máokǒu) metal filings (e.g. from a drill or lathe); burr

毛哔叽 (w)

(máobìjī) serge

毛坯 (w)

(máopī) semifinished products

毛塑像 (w)

(máosùxiàng) statue of Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) 毛澤東|毛泽东[Mao2 Ze2 dong1]

毛孔 (w)

(máokǒng) pore

毛小囊 (w)

(máoxiǎonáng) follicle

毛巾 (w)

(máojīn) towel; CL:條|条[tiao2]

毛手毛脚 (w)

(máoshǒumáojiǎo) carelessly and haphazardly; to paw; to grope; to get fresh

毛拉 (w)

(máolā) Mullah (religious leader in Islam)

毛收入 (w)

(máoshōurù) gross income; gross profit

毛料 (w)

(máoliào) rough lumber; woollen cloth

毛根 (w)

(máogēn) a strand of hair

毛条 (w)

(máotiáo) wool top, semi-processed raw wool

毛毛 (w)

(máomao) (pet name for a baby or small child)

毛毛虫 (w)

(máomaochóng) caterpillar

毛毛雨 (w)

(máomáoyǔ) drizzle; light rain

毛毯 (w)

(máotǎn) blanket

毛毡 (w)

(máozhān) felt

毛洋槐 (w)

(máoyánghuái) rose acacia (Robinia hispida, a false acacia)

毛派 (w)

(máopài) Maoist

毛泽东 (w)

(máozédōng) Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader

毛泽东・不为人知的故事 (w)

(máozédōngbùwéirénzhīdegùshi) Mao Zedong, the unknown story by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday

毛泽东・鲜为人知的故事 (w)

(máozédōngxiānwéirénzhīdegùshi) Mao Zedong, the unknown story by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday

毛泽东主义 (w)

(máozédōngzhǔyì) Maoism

毛泽东思想 (w)

(máozédōngsīxiǎng) Mao Zedong Thought; Maoism

毛片 (w)

(máopiàn) pornographic film; unedited film (old); fur color

毛病 (w)

(máobìng) fault; defect; shortcomings; ailment; CL:個|个[ge4]

毛皮 (w)

(máopí) fur; pelt

毛笔 (w)

(máobǐ) writing brush; CL:枝[zhi1],管[guan3]

毛细 (w)

(máoxì) capillary

毛细孔 (w)

(máoxìkǒng) pore

毛细血管 (w)

(máoxìxuèguǎn) capillary blood vessels

毛绒玩具 (w)

(máoróngwánjù) plush toy; cuddly toy

毛绒绒 (w)

(máoróngróng) fluffy; furry

毛线 (w)

(máoxiàn) knitting wool; wool yarn

毛线衣 (w)

(máoxiànyī) sweater; woolen knitwear; wool

毛织物 (w)

(máozhīwù) woolen textiles

毛织运动衫 (w)

(máozhīyùndòngshān) jersey

毛肚 (w)

(máodǔ) tripe (gastronomy)

毛腿沙鸡 (w)

(máotuǐshājī) Tibetan sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes tibetanus)

毛色 (w)

(máosè) (of an animal) appearance or color of coat

毛茛 (w)

(máogèn) buttercup

毛茸茸 (w)

(máorōngrōng) hairy; shaggy

毛虫 (w)

(máochóng) caterpillar

毛血旺 (w)

(máoxuèwàng) duck's blood, beef and tripe in spicy soup

毛衣 (w)

(máoyī) (wool) sweater; CL:件[jian4]

毛豆 (w)

(máodòu) green soy bean

毛象 (w)

(máoxiàng) mammoth

毛遂 (w)

(máosuì) Mao Sui (third century BC), who proverbially offered his services to the King of Chu 楚, see 毛遂自薦|毛遂自荐[Mao2 Sui4 zi4 jian4]

毛遂自荐 (w)

(máosuìzìjiàn) Mao Sui recommends himself (idiom); to offer one's services (in the style of Mao Sui offering his services to king of Chu 楚 of the Warring states)

毛邓三 (w)

(máodèngsān) Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & the Three Represents; abbr. for 毛澤東思想|毛泽东思想[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 Si1 xiang3], 鄧小平理論|邓小平理论[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2 Li3 lun4] and 毛澤東思想|毛泽东思想[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 Si1 xiang3]

毛酸浆 (w)

(máosuānjiāng) husk ground-cherry; Physalis pubescens

毛里塔尼亚 (w)

(máolǐtǎníyà) Mauritania

毛里求斯 (w)

(máolǐqiúsī) Mauritius

毛重 (w)

(máozhòng) gross weight

毛驴 (w)

(máolǘ) donkey; CL:頭|头[tou2]

毛骨悚然 (w)

(máogǔsǒngrán) absolutely horrified (idiom)

毛发 (w)

(máofà) hair