
(wū) dirty; filthy; foul; corrupt; to smear; to defile; dirt; filth

污七八糟 (w)

(wūqībāzāo) everything in disorder; in a hideous mess; obscene; dirty; filthy (idiom); also written 烏七八糟|乌七八糟[wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1]

污吏 (w)

(wūlì) a corrupt official

污垢 (w)

(wūgòu) filth

污损 (w)

(wūsǔn) to contaminate

污染 (w)

(wūrǎn) pollution; contamination; CL:個|个[ge4]

污染区 (w)

(wūrǎnqū) contaminated area

污染物 (w)

(wūrǎnwù) pollutant

污水 (w)

(wūshuǐ) sewage

污水坑 (w)

(wūshuǐkēng) cesspit

污水处理厂 (w)

(wūshuǐchǔlǐchǎng) water treatment plant

污泥 (w)

(wūní) mud; sludge

污渍 (w)

(wūzì) stain

污浊 (w)

(wūzhuó) dirty; muddy; foul (sewer)

污痕 (w)

(wūhén) blot

污秽 (w)

(wūhuì) nasty; sordid; filthy

污蔑 (w)

(wūmiè) to slander

污蔑 (w)

(wūmiè) slander; smear; tarnish

污言秽语 (w)

(wūyánhuìyǔ) filthy speech; obscenities

污迹 (w)

(wūjì) blotch; stain

污辱 (w)

(wūrǔ) to humiliate; to insult; to tarnish; to sully

污点 (w)

(wūdiǎn) stain; taint