
(bō) Poland; Polish; abbr. for 波蘭|波兰[Bo1 lan2]


(bō) wave; ripple; storm; surge

波什格伦 (w)

(bōshéngélún) Porsgrunn (city in Telemark, Norway)

波来克 (w)

(bōláikè) Pleiku, Vietnam

波光 (w)

(bōguāng) gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight

波函数 (w)

(bōhánshù) wave function (in quantum mechanics)

波利尼西亚 (w)

(bōlìníxīyà) Polynesia

波动 (w)

(bōdòng) to undulate; to fluctuate; wave motion; rise and fall

波动力学 (w)

(bōdònglìxué) wave mechanics (physics)

波动性 (w)

(bōdòngxìng) fluctuation

波及 (w)

(bōjí) to spread to; to involve; to affect

波哥大 (w)

(bōgēdà) Bogota, capital of Colombia

波塞冬 (w)

(bōsāidōng) Poseidon, God of the sea in Greek mythology

波士尼亚 (w)

(bōshìníyà) Bosnia

波士顿 (w)

(bōshìdùn) Boston, capital of Massachusetts

波士顿大学 (w)

(bōshìdùndàxué) Boston University

波士顿红袜 (w)

(bōshìdùnhóngwà) Boston Red Sox (baseball) team

波多马克河 (w)

(bōduōmǎkèhé) see 波托馬克河|波托马克河[Bo1 tuo1 ma3 ke4 He2]

波多黎各 (w)

(bōduōlígè) Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States

波季 (w)

(bōjì) Poti, strategic seaport in Abkhazia, Republic of Georgia

波密 (w)

(bōmì) Bomi county, Tibetan: Spo mes rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet

波密县 (w)

(bōmìxiàn) Bomi county, Tibetan: Spo mes rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet

波导 (w)

(bōdǎo) wave guide

波峰 (w)

(bōfēng) wave crest

波希米亚 (w)

(bōxīmǐyà) Bohemia, European country (in current Checkia and Slovakia)

波带片 (w)

(bōdàipiān) zone plate

波幅 (w)

(bōfú) amplitude

波弗特海 (w)

(bōfútèhǎi) Beaufort sea (off Alaska and British Columbia)

波形 (w)

(bōxíng) wave form

波德 (w)

(bōdé) Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), German astronomer

波德申 (w)

(bōdéshēn) Port Dickson (holiday destination in Malaysia)

波恩 (w)

(bōēn) Bonn, a small town on the Rhine, Cold War capital of West Germany 1949-1990

波恩大学 (w)

(bōēndàxué) University of Bonn

波托马克河 (w)

(bōtuōmǎkèhé) Potomac River

波折 (w)

(bōzhé) twists and turns

波拿巴 (w)

(bōnábā) Bonaparte (name); Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815

波数 (w)

(bōshù) wave number (reciprocal of frequency)

波斯 (w)

(bōsī) Persia

波斯尼亚 (w)

(bōsīníyà) Bosnia

波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳共和国 (w)

(bōsīníyàhéhēisāigēwéinàgònghéguó) Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

波斯尼亚语 (w)

(bōsīníyàyǔ) Bosnian (language)

波斯教 (w)

(bōsījiào) Persian religion; Zoroastrianism or Manicheanism

波斯普鲁斯 (w)

(bōsīpǔlǔsī) the Bosphorus

波斯普鲁斯海峡 (w)

(bōsīpǔlǔsīhǎixiá) the Bosphorus (strait)

波斯湾 (w)

(bōsīwān) Persian Gulf

波斯语 (w)

(bōsīyǔ) Persian (language); Farsi

波斯猫 (w)

(bōsīmāo) Persian (cat)

波斯里亚 (w)

(bōsīlǐyà) Bosnia (former Yugoslavia)

波方程 (w)

(bōfāngchéng) wave equation (math. physics)

波旁 (w)

(bōpáng) Bourbon

波昂 (w)

(bōáng) Bonn, city in Germany (Taiwan)

波束 (w)

(bōshù) beam

波森莓 (w)

(bōsēnméi) boysenberry (hybrid of raspberry and blackberry)

波段 (w)

(bōduàn) wave band

波江座 (w)

(bōjiāngzuò) Eridanus (constellation)

波洛涅斯 (w)

(bōluònièsī) Polonius (name); Shakespearean character, father of Ophelia, accidentally killed by Hamlet

波浪 (w)

(bōlàng) wave

波涛 (w)

(bōtāo) great waves; billows

波涛汹涌 (w)

(bōtāoxiōngyǒng) waves surging forth; roaring sea

波涛磷磷 (w)

(bōtāolínlín) variant of 波濤粼粼|波涛粼粼[bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2]

波涛粼粼 (w)

(bōtāolínlín) crystalline waves (idiom)

波澜 (w)

(bōlán) billows; great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum)

波澜壮阔 (w)

(bōlánzhuàngkuò) surging forward with great momentum; unfolding on a magnificent scale

波澜老成 (w)

(bōlánlǎochéng) splendid and powerful (of story); majestic; awesome

波澜起伏 (w)

(bōlánqǐfú) one climax follows another (of thrilling story)

波尔多 (w)

(bōěrduō) Bordeaux

波尔多液 (w)

(bōěrduōyè) Bordeaux mixture

波尔布特 (w)

(bōěrbùtè) Pol Pot

波尔干 (w)

(bōěrgān) the Balkans

波尔干地区 (w)

(bōěrgāndìqū) the Balkans

波特 (w)

(bōtè) baud

波特率 (w)

(bōtèlǜ) baud

波特兰市 (w)

(bōtèlánshì) Portland (city)

波状 (w)

(bōzhuàng) wave-shaped

波状热 (w)

(bōzhuàngrè) undulant fever; brucellosis

波状云 (w)

(bōzhuàngyún) undulatus

波粒二象性 (w)

(bōlìèrxiàngxìng) wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics

波纹 (w)

(bōwén) ripple; corrugation

波罗 (w)

(bōluó) Polo (car made by Volkswagen); surname Polo

波罗的海 (w)

(bōluódìhǎi) Baltic Sea

波美度 (w)

(bōměidù) Baume degrees

波美比重计 (w)

(bōměibǐzhòngjì) Baume hydrometer

波义耳 (w)

(bōyìěr) Boyle (name); Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer chemist

波茨坦 (w)

(bōcítǎn) Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany

波茨坦公告 (w)

(bōcítǎngōnggào) Potsdam Declaration

波茨坦会议 (w)

(bōcítǎnhuìyì) Potsdam conference, July-August 1945, between Truman, Stalin and British prime ministers Churchill and Attlee

波兹南 (w)

(bōzīnán) Poznan (city in Poland)

波兹坦 (w)

(bōzītǎn) Potsdam, Germany

波兹曼 (w)

(bōzīmàn) Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906)

波荡 (w)

(bōdàng) heave; surge

波兰 (w)

(bōlán) Poland

波兰斯基 (w)

(bōlánsījī) Polanski (name)

波兰语 (w)

(bōlányǔ) Polish (language)

波西米亚 (w)

(bōxīmǐyà) Bohemia; central European country mostly within the modern Czech republic; person leading unconventional lifestyle, esp. in western intellectual or artistic circles

波语 (w)

(bōyǔ) Polish language

波谱 (w)

(bōpǔ) spectrum

波谷 (w)

(bōgǔ) trough

波速 (w)

(bōsù) wave velocity

波长 (w)

(bōcháng) wavelength

波阿斯 (w)

(bōāsī) Boaz (son of Salmon and Rahab)

波阿次 (w)

(bōācì) Boaz (name)

波阳 (w)

(bōyáng) Boyang county, former name of Poyang county 鄱陽縣|鄱阳县[Po2 yang2 xian4] in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shang4 rao2], Jiangxi

波阳县 (w)

(bōyángxiàn) Boyang county, former name of Poyang county 鄱陽縣|鄱阳县[Po2 yang2 xian4] in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shang4 rao2], Jiangxi

波隆那 (w)

(bōlōngnà) Bologna, city in Northern Italy

波霎 (w)

(bōshà) pulsar (astronomy)

波霸奶茶 (w)

(bōbànǎichá) bubble milk tea (Taiwan); Boba milk tea; tapioca milk tea; see also 珍珠奶茶[zhen1 zhu1 nai3 cha2]

波面 (w)

(bōmiàn) wave front

波音 (w)

(bōyīn) Boeing

波音 (w)

(bōyīn) mordent (music)

波鸿 (w)

(bōhóng) Bochum (city in Germany)

波黑 (w)

(bōhēi) abbr. for Bosnia-Herzegovina