
(zhù) to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; stake (gambling); classifier for sums of money; variant of 註|注[zhu4]

注入 (w)

(zhùrù) to pour into; to empty into

注册人 (w)

(zhùcèrén) registrant

注册表 (w)

(zhùcèbiǎo) Windows registry

注塑 (w)

(zhùsù) injection molding

注射 (w)

(zhùshè) injection; to inject

注射剂 (w)

(zhùshèjì) injection; shot

注射器 (w)

(zhùshèqì) syringe

注射针 (w)

(zhùshèzhēn) needle; hypodermic needle

注射针头 (w)

(zhùshèzhēntóu) see 注射針|注射针[zhu4 she4 zhen1]

注意 (w)

(zhùyì) to take note of; to pay attention to

注意力 (w)

(zhùyìlì) attention

注意力缺陷过动症 (w)

(zhùyìlìquēxiànguòdòngzhèng) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

注意看 (w)

(zhùyìkàn) watch carefully

注明 (w)

(zhùmíng) to clearly indicate

注水 (w)

(zhùshuǐ) to pour water into; to inject water into

注目 (w)

(zhùmù) attention; to stare at; to fix attention on sth

注视 (w)

(zhùshì) to watch attentively; to gaze

注资 (w)

(zhùzī) to inject funds; to put money into (the market)

注释 (w)

(zhùshì) marginal notes; annotation; to annotate; to add comments to text

注重 (w)

(zhùzhòng) to pay attention to; to emphasize

注音 (w)

(zhùyīn) Annotated Sounds, a phonetic transliteration for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan; also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ

注音一式 (w)

(zhùyīnyīshì) Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1; Bopomofo; abbr. for 國語注音符號第一式|国语注音符号第一式[Guo2 yu3 zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4 di4 yi1 shi4]

注音符号 (w)

(zhùyīnfúhào) Annotated Sounds, a phonetic transliteration for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan; also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ


(zhù) to register; to annotate; note; comment

注册 (w)

(zhùcè) to register; to enroll

注册商标 (w)

(zhùcèshāngbiāo) registered trademark

注定 (w)

(zhùdìng) to be doomed; be destined (to failure etc)

注脚 (w)

(zhùjiǎo) footnote

注解 (w)

(zhùjiě) to annotate; annotation; comment; interpretation; to explain with notes; explanatory note

注销 (w)

(zhùxiāo) to cancel; to write off

注音字母 (w)

(zhùyīnzìmǔ) phonetic letters

注音法 (w)

(zhùyīnfǎ) phonetic transcription; system of representing spoken sounds