
(diǎn) drop (of liquid); stain; spot; speck; jot; dot stroke (in Chinese characters); decimal point; point; mark (of degree or level); a place (with certain characteristics); iron bell; o’clock; a little; a bit; some; (point) unit of measurement for type; to touch on briefly; to make clear; to light; to ignite; to kindle; period of time at night (24 minutes) (old); a drip; to dibble; classifier for small indeterminate quantities

点交 (w)

(diǎnjiāo) to hand over one by one

点亮 (w)

(diǎnliàng) to illuminate; to turn on the lights; to light (a blaze)

点儿 (w)

(diǎnr) erhua variant of 點|点, point; dot; speck; drop; little bit

点兵 (w)

(diǎnbīng) to inspect troops; to review

点到即止 (w)

(diǎndàojízhǐ) to touch on sth and leave it there; to take care not to overdo sth

点化 (w)

(diǎnhuà) magic transformation performed by Daoist immortal; fig. to reveal; to enlighten

点卯 (w)

(diǎnmǎo) morning roll call

点厾 (w)

(diǎndū) to touch up a painting

点名 (w)

(diǎnmíng) roll call; to mention sb by name; (to call or praise or criticize sb) by name

点名册 (w)

(diǎnmíngcè) register of names; attendance roll book

点子 (w)

(diǎnzi) spot; point; dot; speck; drop (of liquid); droplet; point (of argument); idea; crux; indication; pointer

点字 (w)

(diǎnzì) Braille characters (alphabet for the blind)

点字机 (w)

(diǎnzìjī) Braille typewriter

点射 (w)

(diǎnshè) to fire in bursts; shooting intermittently

点将 (w)

(diǎnjiàng) to appoint a general (in theater); fig. to appoint sb for a task

点对点 (w)

(diǎnduìdiǎn) p2p (peer to peer); Bittorrent (BT)

点心 (w)

(diǎnxin) light refreshments; pastry; dimsum (in Cantonese cooking); dessert

点拨 (w)

(diǎnbō) to give instructions; to give advice

点播 (w)

(diǎnbō) webcast; to request item for broadcast on radio program; dibble seeding; spot seeding

点击 (w)

(diǎnjī) to hit; to press; to strike (on the keyboard); to click (a web page button)

点击一个链接 (w)

(diǎnjīyīgèliànjiē) to click on a link (on webpage)

点击付费广告 (w)

(diǎnjīfùfèiguǎnggào) pay-per-click advertising

点击数 (w)

(diǎnjīshù) number of clicks; number of hits (on a website)

点击率 (w)

(diǎnjīlǜ) click through rate (CTR) (Internet)

点收 (w)

(diǎnshōu) to check sth and accept it

点数 (w)

(diǎnshù) to count heads; to check numbers

点明 (w)

(diǎnmíng) to point out

点染 (w)

(diǎnrǎn) to touch up (a piece of writing); to add details (to a painting)

点查 (w)

(diǎnchá) to inspect

点检 (w)

(diǎnjiǎn) to inspect one by one; to list individually

点水 (w)

(diǎnshuǐ) to skim; lightly touching the water (as the dragonfly in the idiom 蜻蜓點水|蜻蜓点水); skin deep

点水不漏 (w)

(diǎnshuǐbùlòu) not one drop of water leaks (idiom); fig. thoughtful and completely rigorous; watertight

点滴 (w)

(diǎndī) a drip; a little bit; intravenous drip (used to administer drugs)

点滴试验 (w)

(diǎndīshìyàn) spot check

点火 (w)

(diǎnhuǒ) to ignite; to light a fire; to agitate; to start an engine; ignition; fig. to stir up trouble

点火开关 (w)

(diǎnhuǒkāiguān) ignition switch

点烟器 (w)

(diǎnyānqì) cigarette lighter

点燃 (w)

(diǎnrán) to ignite; to set on fire; aflame

点球 (w)

(diǎnqiú) penalty kick

点画 (w)

(diǎnhuà) strokes of a Chinese character

点发 (w)

(diǎnfā) to fire in bursts; shooting intermittently

点睛 (w)

(diǎnjīng) to dot in the eyes; fig. to add finishing touch; abbr. for idiom 畫龍點睛|画龙点睛, to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes; the crucial point that brings the subject to life

点睛之笔 (w)

(diǎnjīngzhībǐ) the brush stroke that dots in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point

点石成金 (w)

(diǎnshíchéngjīn) to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem

点破 (w)

(diǎnpò) to lay bare in a few words; to expose with a word; to point out bluntly

点票 (w)

(diǎnpiào) to count votes

点穴 (w)

(diǎnxué) to hit a pressure point (martial arts); dim mak; see also 點脈|点脉[dian3 mai4]

点穿 (w)

(diǎnchuān) to lay bare in a few words; to expose with a word

点窜 (w)

(diǎncuàn) to reword; to edit a text

点缀 (w)

(diǎnzhuì) to decorate; to adorn; sprinkled; studded; only for show

点脉 (w)

(diǎnmài) to hit a pressure point (martial arts); dim mak; see also 點穴|点穴[dian3 xue2]

点菜 (w)

(diǎncài) to order dishes (in a restaurant)

点号 (w)

(diǎnhào) punctuation mark

点补 (w)

(diǎnbǔ) to have a snack; to have a bite

点见 (w)

(diǎnjiàn) to check an amount

点视 (w)

(diǎnshì) to check (items); to count and verify

点视厅 (w)

(diǎnshìtīng) hall where convicts are counted and verified

点评 (w)

(diǎnpíng) to comment; a point by point commentary

点军 (w)

(diǎnjūn) Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei

点军区 (w)

(diǎnjūnqū) Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei

点金成铁 (w)

(diǎnjīnchéngtiě) to transform gold into base metal (idiom); fig. to edit sb else's beautiful prose and ruin it

点金石 (w)

(diǎnjīnshí) philosopher's stone

点钟 (w)

(diǎnzhōng) (indicating time of day) o'clock

点铁成金 (w)

(diǎntiěchéngjīn) to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem

点阵 (w)

(diǎnzhèn) lattice; dot matrix; bitmap

点阵字体 (w)

(diǎnzhènzìtǐ) bitmap font (computer)

点阵式打印机 (w)

(diǎnzhènshìdǎyìnjī) dot matrix printer

点阵打印机 (w)

(diǎnzhèndǎyìnjī) dot matrix printer

点集合 (w)

(diǎnjíhé) (math.) point set

点头 (w)

(diǎntóu) to nod

点头咂嘴 (w)

(diǎntóuzāzuǐ) to approve by nodding one's head and smacking one's lips (idiom)

点头哈腰 (w)

(diǎntóuhāyāo) to nod one's head and bow (idiom); bowing and scraping; unctuous fawning

点头招呼 (w)

(diǎntóuzhāohū) beckon

点题 (w)

(diǎntí) to bring out the main theme; to make the point; to bring out the substance concisely

点鬼火 (w)

(diǎnguǐhuǒ) to stir up trouble in secret; to instigate

点点 (w)

(diǎndiǎn) point; speck

点点滴滴 (w)

(diǎndiǎndīdī) bit by bit; dribs and drabs; the little details; every aspect