
(fán) to feel vexed; to bother; to trouble; superfluous and confusing; edgy

烦乱 (w)

(fánluàn) anxious; agitated

烦人 (w)

(fánrén) to annoy; annoying; irritating; troublesome

烦冗 (w)

(fánrǒng) diverse and complicated (of one's affairs); prolix (of speech, writing etc)

烦冤 (w)

(fányuān) frustrated; agitated; distressed

烦闷 (w)

(fánmèn) moody; gloomy

烦恼 (w)

(fánnǎo) to be worried; to be distressed; worries

烦扰 (w)

(fánrǎo) to bother; to disturb; to vex

烦琐 (w)

(fánsuǒ) tedious; convoluted; fiddly; pedantic

烦躁 (w)

(fánzào) jittery; twitchy; fidgety

烦杂 (w)

(fánzá) many and disorderly; muddled