
(fén) to burn

焚化 (w)

(fénhuà) to cremate

焚尸 (w)

(fénshī) to cremate

焚尸炉 (w)

(fénshīlú) crematorium; crematory oven

焚书 (w)

(fénshū) to burn the books (one of the crimes of the first Emperor in 212 BC)

焚书坑儒 (w)

(fénshūkēngrú) to burn the books and bury alive the Confucian scholars (one of the crimes of the first Emperor in 212 BC)

焚毁 (w)

(fénhuǐ) to burn down; to destroy with fire

焚烧 (w)

(fénshāo) to burn; to set on fire

焚毁 (w)

(fénhuǐ) to burn down; to destroy with fire; trad. also written 焚毀

焚琴煮鹤 (w)

(fénqínzhǔhè) lit. to burn zithers and cook cranes; fig. to waste valuable resources; to destroy wantonly beautiful things

焚砚 (w)

(fényàn) to destroy one's ink-slab; to write no more because others write so much better (idiom)

焚膏继晷 (w)

(féngāojìguǐ) to burn the midnight oil (idiom); to work continuously night and day

焚香 (w)

(fénxiāng) to burn incense

焚香敬神 (w)

(fénxiāngjìngshén) to burn incense in prayer to a God