
(nán) male; Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]; CL:個|个[ge4]

男中音 (w)

(nánzhōngyīn) baritone

男人 (w)

(nánrén) a man; a male; men; CL:個|个[ge4]

男人来自火星,女人来自金星 (w)

(nánrénláizìhuǒxīngnǚrénláizìjīnxīng) Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (book by John Gray)

男人婆 (w)

(nánrénpó) tomboy (slang)

男人膝下有黄金 (w)

(nánrénxīxiàyǒuhuángjīn) lit. the man has gold under his knees; fig. a man who does not easily kneel in front of others (owing to pride or moral integrity)

男低音 (w)

(nándīyīn) bass (music); lower register male voice

男修道院长 (w)

(nánxiūdàoyuànzhǎng) abbot

男傧相 (w)

(nánbīnxiàng) best man (in a marriage)

男儿 (w)

(nánér) a (real) man; boy; son

男儿有泪不轻弹 (w)

(nánéryǒulèibùqīngtán) real men do not easily cry (idiom)

男友 (w)

(nányǒu) boyfriend

男基尼 (w)

(nánjīní) mankini (loanword)

男士 (w)

(nánshì) man; gentleman

男女 (w)

(nánnǚ) male-female; male and female

男女平等 (w)

(nánnǚpíngděng) equality of the sexes

男女老少 (w)

(nánnǚlǎoshào) men, women, young and old; all kinds of people; people of all ages; each and everyone

男女关系 (w)

(nánnǚguānxì) man-woman connection; intimate relationship

男婚女嫁 (w)

(nánhūnnǚjià) to celebrate a wedding

男婴 (w)

(nányīng) male baby

男子 (w)

(nánzǐ) a man; a male

男子单 (w)

(nánzǐdān) men's singles (sports)

男子气 (w)

(nánzǐqì) manly; masculine

男子汉 (w)

(nánzǐhàn) man (i.e. manly, masculine)

男子篮球 (w)

(nánzǐlánqiú) men's basketball

男孩 (w)

(nánhái) boy; CL:個|个[ge4]

男孩儿 (w)

(nánháir) boy

男孩子 (w)

(nánháizi) boy

男孩乐队 (w)

(nánháiyuèduì) boy band (type of pop group)

男家 (w)

(nánjiā) man's family (in marriage)

男左女右 (w)

(nánzuǒnǚyòu) the left is for males, the right is for females (traditional saying)

男巫 (w)

(nánwū) wizard; warlock

男厕 (w)

(náncè) gents washroom; gents toilets

男性 (w)

(nánxìng) the male sex; a male

男性主义 (w)

(nánxìngzhǔyì) masculism

男性化 (w)

(nánxìnghuà) to masculinize; masculinization

男性厌恶 (w)

(nánxìngyànwù) misandry

男性亲属 (w)

(nánxìngqīnshǔ) kinsman

男性贬抑 (w)

(nánxìngbiǎnyì) misandry

男才女貌 (w)

(náncáinǚmào) talented man and beautiful woman; ideal couple

男扮女装 (w)

(nánbànnǚzhuāng) dress in drag (male to female); man disguised as a woman

男星 (w)

(nánxīng) male star; famous actor

男朋友 (w)

(nánpéngyou) male friend; boyfriend

男欢女爱 (w)

(nánhuānnǚài) passionate love (idiom)

男爵 (w)

(nánjué) baron

男生 (w)

(nánshēng) male student; schoolboy

男童 (w)

(nántóng) boy; male child

男管家 (w)

(nánguǎnjiā) butler; majordomo; housekeeper

男色 (w)

(nánsè) male homosexuality

男装 (w)

(nánzhuāng) men's clothes

男高音 (w)

(nángāoyīn) tenor

男高音部 (w)

(nángāoyīnbù) tenor part