
(tòng) ache; pain; sorrow; deeply; thoroughly

痛不欲生 (w)

(tòngbùyùshēng) to be so in pain as to not want to live; to be so grieved as to wish one were dead

痛哭 (w)

(tòngkū) to cry bitterly

痛哭流涕 (w)

(tòngkūliútì) weeping bitter tears

痛心 (w)

(tòngxīn) grieved; pained

痛快 (w)

(tòngkuài) overjoyed; delighted; happily; heartily; enjoying; also pr. [tong4 kuai5]

痛快 (w)

(tòngkuai) jolly

痛性痉挛 (w)

(tòngxìngjìngluán) (muscle) cramp

痛恨 (w)

(tònghèn) to detest; to loathe; to abhor

痛惜 (w)

(tòngxī) to lament

痛感 (w)

(tònggǎn) compassion

痛批 (w)

(tòngpī) to severely criticize

痛改前非 (w)

(tònggǎiqiánfēi) completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and turn over a new leaf; a reformed character

痛斥 (w)

(tòngchì) to criticize harshly; to denounce; to attack viciously

痛楚 (w)

(tòngchǔ) pain; anguish; suffering

痛痛快快 (w)

(tòngtongkuàikuài) immediately; without a moment's hesitation; with alacrity; firing from the hip

痛砭 (w)

(tòngbiān) to strongly criticize

痛砭时弊 (w)

(tòngbiānshíbì) to strongly criticize the evils of the day

痛经 (w)

(tòngjīng) variant of 經痛|经痛; menstrual pain; dysmenorrhea

痛骂 (w)

(tòngmà) to bawl out; to reprimand severely

痛苦 (w)

(tòngkǔ) pain; suffering; painful; CL:個|个[ge4]

痛处 (w)

(tòngchù) sore spot; place that hurts

痛风 (w)

(tòngfēng) gout

痛饮 (w)

(tòngyǐn) to drink one's fill