
(zhēn) really; truly; indeed; real; true; genuine

真主 (w)

(zhēnzhǔ) Allah

真主党 (w)

(zhēnzhǔdǎng) Hezbollah (Lebanon Islamic group)

真事 (w)

(zhēnshì) reality; veracity; the real thing

真亮 (w)

(zhēnliàng) clear

真人 (w)

(zhēnrén) actual person; in the flesh; Daoist spiritual master

真人真事 (w)

(zhēnrénzhēnshì) genuine people and true events

真人秀 (w)

(zhēnrénxiù) reality show (loanword)

真个 (w)

(zhēngè) really; truly; indeed

真值表 (w)

(zhēnzhíbiǎo) truth table

真假 (w)

(zhēnjiǎ) genuine or fake; true or false

真假难辨 (w)

(zhēnjiǎnánbiàn) hard to distinguish real from imitation

真伪 (w)

(zhēnwěi) true or bogus

真伪莫辨 (w)

(zhēnwěimòbiàn) can't judge true or false (idiom); unable to distinguish the genuine from the fake; not to know whether to believe (what one reads in the news)

真传 (w)

(zhēnchuán) authentic tradition; handed-down teachings or techniques

真刀真枪 (w)

(zhēndāozhēnqiāng) real swords, real spears (idiom); real weapons; very much for real; every bit real; the genuine article

真分数 (w)

(zhēnfēnshù) proper fraction (with numerator < denominator, e.g. five sevenths); see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数[jia1 fen1 shu4] and mixed number 帶分數|带分数[dai4 fen1 shu4]

真切 (w)

(zhēnqiè) vivid; distinct; clear

真否定句 (w)

(zhēnfǒudìngjù) true negative (TN)

真命 (w)

(zhēnmìng) to receive heaven's command (of Daoist immortals etc); ordained by heaven

真善美 (w)

(zhēnshànměi) truth, goodness and beauty

真如 (w)

(zhēnrú) Tathata

真子集 (w)

(zhēnzǐjí) proper subset

真容 (w)

(zhēnróng) portrait; genuine appearance; real face

真实 (w)

(zhēnshí) true; real

真实性 (w)

(zhēnshíxìng) authenticity; truthfulness; veracity; reality; validity

真实感 (w)

(zhēnshígǎn) the feeling that sth is genuine; sense of reality; in the flesh

真彩色 (w)

(zhēncǎisè) true color

真后生动物 (w)

(zhēnhòushēngdòngwù) eumetazoa; subkingdom of animals excluding sponges

真心 (w)

(zhēnxīn) sincere; heartfelt; CL:片[pian4]

真心实意 (w)

(zhēnxīnshíyì) genuine and sincere regards (idiom); in good faith

真心实意地 (w)

(zhēnxīnshíyìde) wholeheartedly

真心话大冒险 (w)

(zhēnxīnhuàdàmàoxiǎn) The Moment of Truth (TV show); Truth or Dare (game)

真性 (w)

(zhēnxìng) real; the nature of sth

真怪 (w)

(zhēnguài) odd; unusual; I can't believe that ...

真情 (w)

(zhēnqíng) real situation; the truth

真情实意 (w)

(zhēnqíngshíyì) out of genuine friendship (idiom); sincere feelings

真意 (w)

(zhēnyì) real intention; true meaning; correct interpretation

真爱 (w)

(zhēnài) true love

真凭实据 (w)

(zhēnpíngshíjù) reliable evidence (idiom); conclusive proof; definitive evidence

真才实学 (w)

(zhēncáishíxué) solid learning; real ability and learning; genuine talent

真挚 (w)

(zhēnzhì) sincere; sincerity

真数 (w)

(zhēnshù) logarithm

真是的 (w)

(zhēnshide) Really! (interj. of annoyance or frustration)

真书 (w)

(zhēnshū) regular script; same as 楷書|楷书

真核 (w)

(zhēnhé) eukaryotic

真格 (w)

(zhēngé) true; real

真棒 (w)

(zhēnbàng) super!; really great; wonderful

真正 (w)

(zhēnzhèng) genuine; real; true; genuinely

真武 (w)

(zhēnwǔ) Lord of profound heaven, major Daoist deity; aka Black Tortoise 玄武 or Black heavenly emperor 玄天上帝

真版 (w)

(zhēnbǎn) real version (as opposed to pirated); genuine version

真牛 (w)

(zhēnniú) (slang) really cool, awesome

真率 (w)

(zhēnshuài) sincere; genuine; straightforward

真珠 (w)

(zhēnzhū) pearl; usually written 珍珠[zhen1 zhu1]

真理 (w)

(zhēnlǐ) truth; CL:個|个[ge4]

真理报 (w)

(zhēnlǐbào) Pravda (newspaper)

真理部 (w)

(zhēnlǐbù) Ministry of Truth

真番郡 (w)

(zhēnpānjùn) Zhenpan commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea

真皮 (w)

(zhēnpí) dermis (layer within the skin containing sense of touch)

真皮层 (w)

(zhēnpícéng) dermis

真相 (w)

(zhēnxiàng) the truth about sth; the actual facts

真相大白 (w)

(zhēnxiàngdàbái) the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear

真相毕露 (w)

(zhēnxiàngbìlù) real face fully revealed (idiom); fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth

真真 (w)

(zhēnzhēn) really; in fact; genuinely; scrupulously

真知 (w)

(zhēnzhī) real knowledge

真知灼见 (w)

(zhēnzhīzhuójiàn) penetrating insight

真确 (w)

(zhēnquè) authentic

真神 (w)

(zhēnshén) the True God

真空 (w)

(zhēnkōng) vacuum

真空泵 (w)

(zhēnkōngbèng) vacuum pump

真空管 (w)

(zhēnkōngguǎn) vacuum tube

真纳 (w)

(zhēnnà) (Mohammad Ali) Jinnah (founder of Pakistan)

真丝 (w)

(zhēnsī) silk; pure silk

真经 (w)

(zhēnjīng) the true scriptures; good experience

真声 (w)

(zhēnshēng) natural voice; modal voice; true voice; opposite: falsetto 假聲|假声[jia3 sheng1]

真声最高音 (w)

(zhēnshēngzuìgāoyīn) highest true (non-falsetto) voice

真肯定句 (w)

(zhēnkěndìngjù) true affirmative (TA)

真腊 (w)

(zhēnlà) Khmer kingdom of Kampuchea or Cambodia; Chinese term for Cambodia from 7th to 15th century

真菌 (w)

(zhēnjūn) fungi; fungus

真菌纲 (w)

(zhēnjūngāng) Eumycetes (taxonomic class of fungi)

真言 (w)

(zhēnyán) true statement; incantation (translates Sanskrit: dharani 陀羅尼|陀罗尼)

真诠 (w)

(zhēnquán) to explain truly (esp. of classic or religious text); true commentary; correct exegesis

真诚 (w)

(zhēnchéng) true; sincere; genuine

真谛 (w)

(zhēndì) the real meaning; the true essence

真象 (w)

(zhēnxiàng) the whole elephant (i.e. not the small parts felt by the proverbial blind feelers); fig. the whole picture; a realistic overall view of the whole situation

真迹 (w)

(zhēnjì) authentic (painting or calligraphy); genuine work (of famous artist)

真身 (w)

(zhēnshēn) the real body (of Buddha or a God); true effigy

真道 (w)

(zhēndào) the true way

真释 (w)

(zhēnshì) true explanation; genuine reason

真金不怕火来烧 (w)

(zhēnjīnbùpàhuǒláishāo) see 真金不怕火煉|真金不怕火炼[zhen1 jin1 bu4 pa4 huo3 lian4]

真金不怕火炼 (w)

(zhēnjīnbùpàhuǒliàn) True gold fears no fire. (idiom)

真际 (w)

(zhēnjì) the truth; reality

真面目 (w)

(zhēnmiànmù) true identity; true colors

真髓 (w)

(zhēnsuǐ) the real essence (of the matter)

真鲷 (w)

(zhēndiāo) porgy (Pagrosomus major); red sea bream