
(xiā) blind; groundlessly; foolishly; to no purpose

瞎子 (w)

(xiāzi) blind person

瞎子摸象 (w)

(xiāzimōxiàng) blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirvana sutra 大般涅槃經|大般涅盘经[da4 ban1 Nie4 pan2 jing1]); fig. unable to see the big picture; to mistake the part for the whole; unable to see the wood for the trees

瞎扯 (w)

(xiāchě) to talk irresponsibly; to talk nonsense

瞎扯蛋 (w)

(xiāchědàn) to talk irresponsibly; to talk nonsense

瞎指挥 (w)

(xiāzhǐhuī) lit. to direct blindly; to issue confused orders; to give contradictory directions

瞎眼 (w)

(xiāyǎn) to be blind

瞎编 (w)

(xiābiān) to fabricate (a story)

瞎编乱造 (w)

(xiābiānluànzào) random lies and falsehoods

瞎说 (w)

(xiāshuō) to talk drivel; to assert sth without a proper understanding or basis in fact; not to know what one is talking about

瞎逛 (w)

(xiāguàng) to wander aimlessly

瞎闹 (w)

(xiānào) to make a scene; to fool around; to behave foolishly