
(qú) surname Qu


(jù) startled

瞿塘峡 (w)

(qūtángxiá) Qutang gorge, 8 km long gorge on the Changjiang or Yangtze in Chongqing 重慶|重庆, the upper of the Three gorges 三峽|三峡[san1 xia2]

瞿昙 (w)

(qútán) Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha

瞿秋白 (w)

(qūqiūbái) Qu Qiubai (1899-1935), politician, Soviet expert of the Chinese communists at time of Soviet influence, publisher and Russian translator, captured and executed by Guomindang at the time of the Long March