
(zhī) to know; to be aware

知了 (w)

(zhīliǎo) cicada

知冷知热 (w)

(zhīlěngzhīrè) to know whether others are cold or hot (idiom); to be very considerate

知名 (w)

(zhīmíng) well known; famous

知名人士 (w)

(zhīmíngrénshì) public figure; celebrity

知名度 (w)

(zhīmíngdù) reputation; profile; familiarity in the public consciousness

知州 (w)

(zhīzhōu) senior provincial government official in dynastic China

知己 (w)

(zhījǐ) to know oneself; to be intimate or close; intimate friend

知己知彼 (w)

(zhījǐzhībǐ) Know yourself, know your enemy (idiom, from Sunzi's Art of War 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])

知己知彼,百战不殆 (w)

(zhījǐzhībǐbǎizhànbùdài) Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated (idiom, from Sunzi's Art of War 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3]).

知府 (w)

(zhīfǔ) prefectural magistrate (during Tang to Qing times)

知彼知己 (w)

(zhībǐzhījǐ) to know the enemy and know oneself (idiom, from Sunzi's Art of War)

知彼知己,百战不殆 (w)

(zhībǐzhījǐbǎizhànbùdài) Knowing the enemy and yourself will get you unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's Art of War).

知心 (w)

(zhīxīn) caring; intimate

知悉 (w)

(zhīxī) to know; to be informed of

知情 (w)

(zhīqíng) to know the facts; to understand; to be familiar with the situation

知情同意 (w)

(zhīqíngtóngyì) informed consent

知悭识俭 (w)

(zhīqiānshíjiǎn) to know how to be economical (idiom)

知晓 (w)

(zhīxiǎo) to know; to understand

知更鸟 (w)

(zhīgēngniǎo) redbreast; robin

知书达理 (w)

(zhīshūdálǐ) educated and well-balanced (idiom)

知法犯法 (w)

(zhīfǎfànfǎ) to know the law and break it (idiom); consciously going against the rules

知礼 (w)

(zhīlǐ) to be well-mannered

知县 (w)

(zhīxiàn) county head magistrate (old)

知觉 (w)

(zhījué) perception; consciousness

知觉力 (w)

(zhījuélì) ability to perceive; perceptivity; sentience

知觉解体 (w)

(zhījuéjiětǐ) perceptual separability

知识 (w)

(zhīshi) intellectual; knowledge-related; knowledge; CL:門|门[men2]

知识分子 (w)

(zhīshifènzǐ) intellectual; intelligentsia; learned person

知识宝库 (w)

(zhīshibǎokù) treasure house of knowledge

知识工程师 (w)

(zhīshigōngchéngshī) knowledge worker

知识库 (w)

(zhīshikù) knowledge base

知识产权 (w)

(zhīshichǎnquán) intellectual property rights (law)

知识界 (w)

(zhīshijiè) intellectual circles

知识论 (w)

(zhīshílùn) epistemology

知识越多越反动 (w)

(zhīshiyuèduōyuèfǎndòng) the more knowledgeable, the more reactionary (absurd anti-intellectual slogan attributed after the event to the Gang of Four 四人幫|四人帮)

知趣 (w)

(zhīqù) to act tactfully; tactful; discreet

知足 (w)

(zhīzú) content with one's situation; to know contentment (hence happiness)

知足常乐 (w)

(zhīzúchánglè) satisfied with what one has (idiom)

知遇之恩 (w)

(zhīyùzhīēn) lit. the kindness of recognizing sb's worth and employing him (idiom); patronage; protection

知过改过 (w)

(zhīguògǎiguò) to acknowledge one’s faults and correct them (idiom)

知道 (w)

(zhīdào) to know; to be aware of; also pron. [zhi1 dao5]

知道了 (w)

(zhīdàole) understood; OK; got it

知难而退 (w)

(zhīnánértuì) to sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat (idiom); fig. to back out of an awkward situation; to get out on finding out what it's really like

知青 (w)

(zhīqīng) educated youth (sent to work in farms during cultural revolution)

知音 (w)

(zhīyīn) intimate friend; soul mate