
(jiǎo) surname Jiao


(jiáo) argumentative; contentious


(jiǎo) to correct; to rectify; to redress; strong; brave; to pretend; to feign; affectation

矫健 (w)

(jiǎojiàn) strong and healthy; vigorous

矫味剂 (w)

(jiǎowèijì) corrective agent; flavoring agent

矫形 (w)

(jiǎoxíng) orthopedic (e.g. surgery)

矫形外科 (w)

(jiǎoxíngwàikē) orthopedic surgery

矫形牙套 (w)

(jiǎoxíngyátào) orthodontic brace

矫形医生 (w)

(jiǎoxíngyīshēng) orthopedic doctor

矫情 (w)

(jiǎoqíng) maverick; deliberately unconventional; to conceal the whole story

矫捷 (w)

(jiǎojié) vigorous and nimble; athletic

矫揉造作 (w)

(jiǎoróuzàozuò) pretension; affectation; putting on artificial airs

矫枉过正 (w)

(jiǎowǎngguòzhèng) to over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-compensate; to push sth too far the other way; fig. inverse discrimination

矫枉过直 (w)

(jiǎowǎngguòzhí) to over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-compensate; to push sth too far the other way; fig. inverse discrimination

矫正 (w)

(jiǎozhèng) to correct; to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or vision); to cure; rectification; correction; to straighten

矫正透镜 (w)

(jiǎozhèngtòujìng) correcting lens

矫治 (w)

(jiǎozhì) to correct (e.g. sight or hearing); to rectify; to cure

矫矫 (w)

(jiǎojiǎo) gallant; brave; pre-eminent

矫诏 (w)

(jiǎozhào) the pretense of acting on imperial order