
(duǎn) short or brief; to lack; weak point; fault

短中取长 (w)

(duǎnzhōngqǔcháng) see 短中抽長|短中抽长[duan3 zhong1 chou1 chang2]

短中抽长 (w)

(duǎnzhōngchōucháng) to make the best of a bad job; to make the best use of limited resources (idiom)

短促 (w)

(duǎncù) short in time; fleeting; brief

短信 (w)

(duǎnxìn) text message; SMS

短传 (w)

(duǎnchuán) short pass (in ball game)

短债 (w)

(duǎnzhài) short term loan

短兵相接 (w)

(duǎnbīngxiāngjiē) lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another (idiom); fierce hand-to-hand infantry combat; to fight at close quarters

短剑 (w)

(duǎnjiàn) dagger

短句 (w)

(duǎnjù) clause

短小精悍 (w)

(duǎnxiǎojīnghàn) small but robust (idiom); concise and forceful

短尾矮袋鼠 (w)

(duǎnwěiǎidàishǔ) quokka

短工 (w)

(duǎngōng) temporary job; odd job; seasonal worker

短打扮 (w)

(duǎndǎban) shorts; tight-fitting clothes

短指 (w)

(duǎnzhǐ) brachydactylism (genetic abnormality of short or missing fingers)

短时储存 (w)

(duǎnshíchǔcún) short-term storage; store

短时语音记忆 (w)

(duǎnshíyǔyīnjìyì) short-term phonological memory

短时间 (w)

(duǎnshíjiān) short term; short time

短暂 (w)

(duǎnzàn) of short duration; brief; momentary

短期 (w)

(duǎnqī) short-term

短期投资 (w)

(duǎnqītóuzī) short term investment

短期融资 (w)

(duǎnqīróngzī) short term financing

短欠 (w)

(duǎnqiàn) to fall short in one's payments; to lack; to be short of

短歌 (w)

(duǎngē) ballad

短波 (w)

(duǎnbō) short-wave (radio)

短波长 (w)

(duǎnbōcháng) short wavelength

短浅 (w)

(duǎnqiǎn) narrow and shallow

短片 (w)

(duǎnpiàn) short film; short video; (video-sharing website) video

短程 (w)

(duǎnchéng) short range

短程线 (w)

(duǎnchéngxiàn) a geodesic (curve); a shortest curve

短篇小说 (w)

(duǎnpiānxiǎoshuō) narrative; short story

短简 (w)

(duǎnjiǎn) brief

短粗 (w)

(duǎncū) stocky (short and robust)

短线 (w)

(duǎnxiàn) short term

短缺 (w)

(duǎnquē) shortage

短腿猎犬 (w)

(duǎntuǐlièquǎn) dachshund; basset hound

短至 (w)

(duǎnzhì) the winter solstice

短处 (w)

(duǎnchù) shortcoming; defect; fault; one's weak points

短衣 (w)

(duǎnyī) short garment; short jacket

短衣帮 (w)

(duǎnyībāng) lit. short jacket party; working people; the toiling masses; blue collar workers

短袖 (w)

(duǎnxiù) short sleeves; short-sleeved shirt

短裤 (w)

(duǎnkù) shorts; breechcloth; knee breeches

短袜 (w)

(duǎnwà) sock

短见 (w)

(duǎnjiàn) short-sighted; suicide

短视 (w)

(duǎnshì) to lack foresight

短讯 (w)

(duǎnxùn) SMS, text message

短训班 (w)

(duǎnxùnbān) short training course

短语 (w)

(duǎnyǔ) phrase; clause (grammar)

短跑 (w)

(duǎnpǎo) sprint (race)

短距起落飞机 (w)

(duǎnjùqǐluòfēijī) short take-off and landing aircraft

短距离 (w)

(duǎnjùlí) short distance; a stone's throw away

短路 (w)

(duǎnlù) short circuit