
(ǎi) low; short (in length)

矮人 (w)

(ǎirén) dwarf

矮个儿 (w)

(ǎigèr) a person of short stature; a short person

矮凳 (w)

(ǎidèng) low stool

矮化 (w)

(ǎihuà) to dwarf; to stunt

矮半截 (w)

(ǎibànjié) to be inferior to; to be of a lower grade than

矮墩墩 (w)

(ǎidūndūn) pudgy; dumpy; stumpy

矮壮素 (w)

(ǎizhuàngsù) chlormequat chloride; cycocel

矮子 (w)

(ǎizi) short person; dwarf

矮子里拔将军 (w)

(ǎizilibájiāngjūn) lit. choose a general from among the dwarfs; fig. choose the best person available (out of a mediocre bunch)

矮小 (w)

(ǎixiǎo) short and small; low and small; undersized

矮小精悍 (w)

(ǎixiǎojīnghàn) short but intrepid (idiom)

矮星 (w)

(ǎixīng) dwarf star

矮林 (w)

(ǎilín) coppice; brushwood

矮杆品种 (w)

(ǎigǎnpǐnzhǒng) short-stalked variety; short straw variety

矮树 (w)

(ǎishù) short tree; bush; shrub

矮胖 (w)

(ǎipàng) short and stout; dumpy; roly-poly

矮行星 (w)

(ǎixíngxīng) dwarf planet

矮鹿 (w)

(ǎilù) siberian roe deer; capreolus pygargus

矮黑人 (w)

(ǎihēirén) black dwarf (pejorative term for non-Han people)