
(shí) surname Shi


(dàn) dry measure for grain equal to ten dou 斗; ten pecks; one hundred liters


(shí) rock; stone; stone inscription; one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]

石作 (w)

(shízuò) masonry workshop

石像 (w)

(shíxiàng) stone statue

石刁柏 (w)

(shídiāobǎi) asparagus

石刑 (w)

(shíxíng) stoning (execution method)

石刻 (w)

(shíkè) stone inscription; carved stone

石勒 (w)

(shílè) Shi Le, founder of Later Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms 後趙|后赵 (319-350)

石化 (w)

(shíhuà) to petrify; petrochemical industry

石化厂 (w)

(shíhuàchǎng) petroleum plant; refinery

石匠痨 (w)

(shíjiàngláo) silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

石南属 (w)

(shínánshǔ) heather

石南树 (w)

(shínánshù) heath

石南花 (w)

(shīnánhuā) heather (Ericaceae)

石印 (w)

(shíyìn) lithography; lithographic printing

石原慎太郎 (w)

(shíyuánshèntàiláng) ISHIHARA Jintarō (1932-), Japanese novelist, right-wing political commentator and prominent holocaust denier

石咀山 (w)

(shíjǔshān) Shijushan or Shizuishan (place name); variant of Shizuishan 石嘴山[Shi2 zui3 shan1], prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia

石咀山区 (w)

(shíjǔshānqū) variant of 石嘴山區|石嘴山区[Shi2 zui3 shan1 qu1]; Shizuishan district of Shizuishan, Ningxia

石咀山市 (w)

(shíjǔshānshì) variant of Shizuishan 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia

石嘴山 (w)

(shízuǐshān) Shizuishan prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia

石嘴山区 (w)

(shízuǐshānqū) Shizuishan district of Shizuishan, Ningxia

石嘴山市 (w)

(shízuǐshānshì) Shizuishan prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia

石器 (w)

(shíqì) stone tool; stone implement

石器时代 (w)

(shíqìshídài) Stone Age

石城 (w)

(shíchéng) Shicheng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi

石城县 (w)

(shíchéngxiàn) Shicheng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi

石块 (w)

(shíkuài) stone; rock

石墨 (w)

(shímò) black lead; graphite; plumbago

石墨气冷堆 (w)

(shímòqìlěngduī) gas-graphite reactor

石女 (w)

(shínǚ) female suffering absence or atresia of vagina (as birth defect)

石子儿 (w)

(shízǐr) cobble

石家庄 (w)

(shíjiāzhuāng) Shijiazhuang prefecture level city and capital of Hebei province 河北省 in north China

石家庄地区 (w)

(shíjiāzhuāngdìqū) Shijiazhuang prefecture in Hebei

石家庄市 (w)

(shíjiāzhuāngshì) Shijiazhuang prefecture level city and capital of Hebei province 河北省 in north China

石屎 (w)

(shíshǐ) concrete

石屎森林 (w)

(shíshǐsēnlín) concrete jungle

石屏 (w)

(shípíng) Shiping county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan

石屏县 (w)

(shípíngxiàn) Shiping county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan

石冈 (w)

(shígāng) Shihkang township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

石冈乡 (w)

(shígāngxiāng) Shihkang township in Taichung county, 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan

石峰区 (w)

(shífēngqū) Shifeng district of Zhuzhou city 株洲市, Hunan

石岗 (w)

(shígǎng) Shek Kong (area in Hong Kong)

石库门 (w)

(shíkùmén) "shikumen" style architecture: traditional (ca. 19th century) residences with courtyards, once common in Shanghai

石庭 (w)

(shítíng) rock garden

石弩 (w)

(shínǔ) catapult; ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)

石投大海 (w)

(shítóudàhǎi) to disappear like a stone dropped into the sea; to vanish forever without trace

石拐区 (w)

(shíguǎiqū) Shiguai district of Baotou city 包頭市|包头市[Bao1 tou2 shi4], Inner Mongolia

石斑鱼 (w)

(shíbānyú) grouper (Portuguese: garoupa); also called 鮨; Epinephelinae (subfamily of Serranidae, fish family including grouper)

石景山 (w)

(shíjǐngshān) Mt Shijing in 珠海市[Zhu1 hai3 shi4], Guangdong; Shijingshan inner district of west Beijing

石景山区 (w)

(shíjǐngshānqū) Shijingshan inner district of west Beijing

石末沉着病 (w)

(shímòchénzhuóbìng) silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

石末肺 (w)

(shímòfèi) silicosis; grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

石板 (w)

(shíbǎn) slab; flagstone; slate

石板瓦 (w)

(shíbǎnwǎ) slate tile

石板路 (w)

(shíbǎnlù) road or pavement laid with flagstones

石林 (w)

(shílín) Stone Forest; Petrified forest

石林彝族自治县 (w)

(shílínyízúzìzhìxiàn) Shilin Yi autonomous county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan

石林县 (w)

(shílínxiàn) Shilin Yi autonomous county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan

石林风景区 (w)

(shílínfēngjǐngqū) Petrified forest scenic area in Shilin Yi autonomous county 石林彞族自治縣|石林彝族自治县[Shi2 lin2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan

石柱 (w)

(shízhù) Shizhu Tujia autonomous county, Chongqing

石柱 (w)

(shízhù) stela; upright stone; obelisk

石柱土家族自治县 (w)

(shízhùtǔjiāzúzìzhìxiàn) Shizhu Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality

石柱县 (w)

(shízhùxiàn) Shizhu Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality

石棉 (w)

(shímián) asbestos; Shimian county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan

石棉瓦 (w)

(shímiánwǎ) asbestos tiles

石棉县 (w)

(shímiánxiàn) Shimian county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan

石棺 (w)

(shíguān) sarcophagus

石榴 (w)

(shíliu) pomegranate

石榴子 (w)

(shíliuzǐ) pomegranate seeds; pomegranate arils

石榴树 (w)

(shíliushù) pomegranate tree

石榴石 (w)

(shíliushí) garnet (red gemstone Mg3Al2Si3O12)

石楼 (w)

(shílóu) Shilou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西

石楼县 (w)

(shílóuxiàn) Shilou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西

石河子 (w)

(shíhézǐ) Shixenze shehiri (Shixenze city) or Shíhézǐ subprefecture level city in north Xinjiang

石河子市 (w)

(shíhézǐshì) Shixenze shehiri (Shixenze city) or Shíhézǐ subprefecture level city in north Xinjiang

石油 (w)

(shíyóu) oil; petroleum

石油化学 (w)

(shíyóuhuàxué) petrochemistry

石油换食品项目 (w)

(shíyóuhuànshípǐnxiàngmù) Iraq Oil for Food Program

石油蜡 (w)

(shíyóulà) petroleum wax

石油输出国组织 (w)

(shíyóushūchūguózǔzhī) OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

石油醚 (w)

(shíyóumí) petroleum ether

石泉 (w)

(shíquán) Shiquan county in Ānkāng 安康[An1 kang1], Shǎnxī

石泉县 (w)

(shíquánxiàn) Shiquan county in Ānkāng 安康[An1 kang1], Shǎnxī

石洞 (w)

(shídòng) cave; cavern

石渠 (w)

(shíqú) Sêrxü county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet); name of several historical figures

石渠 (w)

(shíqú) stone channel (e.g. drain)

石渠县 (w)

(shíqúxiàn) Sêrxü county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)

石渠阁 (w)

(shíqúgé) cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five classics of Confucianism 五經|五经[Wu3 Jing1] as state canon

石渠阁议 (w)

(shíqúgéyì) cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five classics of Confucianism 五經|五经[Wu3 Jing1] as state canon

石涛 (w)

(shítāo) Shitao (Chinese painter)

石灰 (w)

(shíhuī) lime (calcium oxide)

石灰岩 (w)

(shíhuīyán) limestone

石灰石 (w)

(shíhuīshí) limestone

石灰华 (w)

(shíhuīhuá) travertine (geology); tufa (a type of banded marble)

石炭 (w)

(shítàn) coal (arch.)

石炭井 (w)

(shítànjǐng) Shitanjing subdistrict of Dawukou district 大武口區|大武口区[Da4 wu3 kou3 qu1] of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia

石炭井区 (w)

(shítànjǐngqū) Shitanjing subdistrict of Dawukou district 大武口區|大武口区[Da4 wu3 kou3 qu1] of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia

石炭系 (w)

(shítànxì) carboniferous system; coal measure (geology)

石炭纪 (w)

(shítànjì) Carboniferous (geological period 354-292m years ago)

石炭酸 (w)

(shítànsuān) phenol C6H5OH; same as 苯酚

石片 (w)

(shípiàn) slab

石状 (w)

(shízhuàng) stony

石狮 (w)

(shíshī) Shishi county level city in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian

石狮子 (w)

(shíshīzi) Chinese stone lion

石狮市 (w)

(shíshīshì) Shishi county level city in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian

石玉昆 (w)

(shíyùkūn) Shi Yukun (probably c. 1810-c. 1871), Qing pinghua 評話|评话 master storyteller

石田芳夫 (w)

(shítiánfāngfū) Ishida Yoshio (1948-), Japanese Go player

石砌 (w)

(shíqì) stone steps

石破天惊 (w)

(shípòtiānjīng) earth-shattering; breakthrough; remarkable and original work

石碇 (w)

(shídìng) Shihting township in Taipei county 臺北縣|台北县[Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan

石碇乡 (w)

(shídìngxiāng) Shihting township in Taipei county 臺北縣|台北县[Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan

石碑 (w)

(shíbēi) stele; stone tablet (for inscription); CL:方[fang1]

石磙 (w)

(shígǔn) stone roller

石磨 (w)

(shímò) grindstone

石窟 (w)

(shíkū) rock cave; grotto; cliff caves (often with Buddhist statues)

石竹 (w)

(shízhú) China pink; Dianthus chinensis (botany)

石竹属 (w)

(shízhúshǔ) Dianthus genus (carnations and pinks)

石竹目 (w)

(shízhúmù) Class Magnoliopsida (biology)

石竹科 (w)

(shízhúkē) Caryophyllaceae family (carnations and pinks)

石笋 (w)

(shísǔn) stalagmite

石粉 (w)

(shífěn) talcum powder

石罅 (w)

(shíxià) a crack in a rock

石脑油 (w)

(shínǎoyóu) naphtha

石膏 (w)

(shígāo) gypsum CaSO4·2(H2O); plaster

石膏墙板 (w)

(shígāoqiángbǎn) drywall; gypsum wallboard; plasterboard

石膏绷带 (w)

(shígāobēngdài) plaster cast

石台 (w)

(shítái) Shitai county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2 zhou1], Anhui

石台县 (w)

(shítáixiàn) Shitai county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2 zhou1], Anhui

石舫 (w)

(shífǎng) Marble Boat, famous pavilion

石花菜 (w)

(shíhuācài) seaweed (Gelidium amansii); Japanese Isinglass

石英 (w)

(shíyīng) quartz

石英脉 (w)

(shíyīngmài) quartz vein

石英钟 (w)

(shíyīngzhōng) quartz clock

石英卤素灯 (w)

(shíyīnglǔsùdēng) quartz halogen lamp

石蕊 (w)

(shíruǐ) reindeer moss; litmus (chemistry)

石蕊试纸 (w)

(shíruǐshìzhǐ) litmus paper (chemistry)

石虎 (w)

(shíhǔ) Shi Hu

石蜡 (w)

(shílà) paraffin wax

石质 (w)

(shízhì) stony

石钟乳 (w)

(shízhōngrǔ) stalactite

石门 (w)

(shímén) Shihmen township in Taipei county 臺北縣|台北县[Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan

石门县 (w)

(shíménxiàn) Shimen county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan

石门乡 (w)

(shíménxiāng) Shihmen township in Taipei county 臺北縣|台北县[Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan

石阡 (w)

(shíqiān) Siqian county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou

石阡县 (w)

(shíqiānxiàn) Siqian county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou

石阶 (w)

(shíjiē) stone step

石青 (w)

(shíqīng) azurite; copper azurite 2CuCO3-Cu(OH)2; azure blue

石头 (w)

(shítou) stone; CL:塊|块[kuai4]

石头火锅 (w)

(shítouhuǒguō) claypot (used in cooking)

石首 (w)

(shíshǒu) Shishou county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei

石首市 (w)

(shíshǒushì) Shishou county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei

石松 (w)

(shísōng) Lycopodiopsida (club mosses)

石鲮鱼 (w)

(shílíngyú) pangolin (Manis pentadactylata); scaly ant-eater

石盐 (w)

(shíyán) rock salt

石鼓 (w)

(dàngǔ) Dangu district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hunan

石鼓区 (w)

(dàngǔqū) Dangu district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hunan

石鼓文 (w)

(shígǔwén) early form of Chinese characters inscribed in stone, a precursor of the small seal 小篆[xiao3 zhuan4]

石龙 (w)

(shílóng) Shilong district of Pingdingshan city 平頂山市|平顶山市[Ping2 ding3 shan1 shi4], Henan

石龙区 (w)

(shílóngqū) Shilong district of Pingdingshan city 平頂山市|平顶山市[Ping2 ding3 shan1 shi4], Henan

石龙子 (w)

(shílóngzi) skink; lizard