
(jī) to amass; to accumulate; to store; measured quantity (such as area of volume); product (the result of multiplication); to integrate (math.); to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.); old; long-standing

积不相能 (w)

(jībùxiāngnéng) always at loggerheads (idiom); never able to agree with sb; unable to get on with sb

积冰 (w)

(jībīng) ice accretion

积分 (w)

(jīfēn) integral (calculus); accumulated points (in sports, at school etc); total credits earned by student; bonus points in a benefit scheme

积分常数 (w)

(jīfēnchángshù) constant of integration (math.)

积分方程 (w)

(jīfēnfāngchéng) integral equation (math.)

积分榜 (w)

(jīfēnbǎng) table of scores (in exams or sports league)

积分变换 (w)

(jīfēnbiànhuàn) integral transform (math.)

积劳成疾 (w)

(jīláochéngjí) to accumulate work causes sickness (idiom); to fall ill from constant overwork

积厚流广 (w)

(jīhòuliúguǎng) deep rooted and influential

积垢 (w)

(jīgòu) deeply accumulated filth

积压 (w)

(jīyā) to overstock; backlog; accumulation of neglected work; arrears of work

积存 (w)

(jīcún) to stockpile

积少成多 (w)

(jīshǎochéngduō) Many little things add up to sth great.; Many little drops make an ocean. (idiom)

积年 (w)

(jīnián) for a long time; over many years; old; advanced in age

积弊 (w)

(jībì) age-old (malpractice); long established (corrupt practices); deeply rooted (superstition)

积弱 (w)

(jīruò) cumulative weakness; to decline (over time); degeneration

积德 (w)

(jīdé) to accumulate merit; to do good; to give to charity; virtuous actions

积德累功 (w)

(jīdélěigōng) to accumulate merit and virtue

积怨 (w)

(jīyuàn) grievance; accumulated rancor

积恶 (w)

(jīè) accumulated evil

积恶余殃 (w)

(jīèyúyāng) Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering (idiom).

积愤 (w)

(jīfèn) accumulated anger; pent-up fury

积攒 (w)

(jīzǎn) to save bit by bit; to accumulate

积于忽微 (w)

(jīyúhūwēi) to accumulate tiny quantities (idiom)

积木 (w)

(jīmù) toy building blocks

积案 (w)

(jīàn) long pending case

积极 (w)

(jījí) active; energetic; vigorous; positive (outlook); proactive

积极分子 (w)

(jījífènzǐ) enthusiast; zealot

积极反应 (w)

(jījífǎnyìng) active response; energetic response

积极性 (w)

(jījíxìng) zeal; initiative; enthusiasm; activity

积渐 (w)

(jījiàn) gradually

积淀 (w)

(jīdiàn) deposits accumulated over long periods; fig. valuable experience, accumulated wisdom

积物 (w)

(jīwù) sediment; deposit

积叠 (w)

(jīdié) to pile up layer upon layer

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县 (w)

(jīshíshānbǎoānzúdōngxiāngzúsālāzúzìzhìxiàn) Jishishan Bonan, Dongxiang and Salar autonomous county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu

积祖 (w)

(jīzǔ) many generations of ancestors

积谷防饥 (w)

(jīgǔfángjī) storing grain against a famine; to lay sth by for a rainy day; also written 積穀防飢|积谷防饥

积累 (w)

(jīlěi) to accumulate; accumulation; cumulative; cumulatively

积累性 (w)

(jīlěixìng) cumulative

积累毒性 (w)

(jīlěidúxìng) cumulative poison

积习 (w)

(jīxí) old habit (usually bad); inbred custom; deep-rooted practice

积习成俗 (w)

(jīxíchéngsú) accumulated habits become custom

积习难改 (w)

(jīxínángǎi) old habits are hard to change (idiom); It is hard to throw off ingrained habits.

积聚 (w)

(jījù) to coalesce; to gather together; to amass

积肥 (w)

(jīféi) to accumulate manure; to lay down compost

积草屯粮 (w)

(jīcǎotúnliáng) to store up provisions against a war

积蓄 (w)

(jīxù) to save; to put aside; savings

积薪厝火 (w)

(jīxīncuòhuǒ) to add fuel to the flames

积贮 (w)

(jīzhù) to stockpile

积贼 (w)

(jīzéi) confirmed thief

积重难返 (w)

(jīzhòngnánfǎn) ingrained habits are hard to overcome (idiom); bad old practices die hard

积金累玉 (w)

(jījīnlěiyù) to accumulate gold and jewels (idiom); prosperous

积雨云 (w)

(jīyǔyún) cumulonimbus (cloud)

积雪 (w)

(jīxuě) accumulation of snow

积云 (w)

(jīyún) cumulus; heap cloud

积非成是 (w)

(jīfēichéngshì) a wrong repeated becomes right (idiom); a lie or an error passed on for a long time may be taken for the truth