
(mǐ) surname Mi


(mǐ) rice; CL:粒[li4]; meter (classifier)

米仓 (w)

(mǐcāng) rice granary

米凯拉 (w)

(mǐkǎilā) Michaela (name)

米利班德 (w)

(mǐlìbāndé) Milliband (name); Ed Milliband, UK labor politician, opposition leader from 2010

米制 (w)

(mǐzhì) metric system

米国 (w)

(mǐguó) United States; name of a country that formerly existed near Samarkand

米夫 (w)

(mǐfū) Pavel Aleksandrovich Mif (1901-1938), Ukrainian Soviet expert on Chinese affairs, secretly executed in Stalin's purges

米德尔伯里 (w)

(mǐdéěrbólǐ) Middlebury (College)

米拉 (w)

(mǐlā) Mira (red giant star, Omicron Ceti)

米易 (w)

(mǐyì) Miyi county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan

米易县 (w)

(mǐyìxiàn) Miyi county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan

米林 (w)

(mǐlín) Mainling county, Tibetan: Sman gling rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet

米林县 (w)

(mǐlínxiàn) Mainling county, Tibetan: Sman gling rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet

米格 (w)

(mǐgé) MiG; Russian Aircraft Corporation; Mikoyan

米歇尔 (w)

(mǐxiēěr) Michel or Mitchell (name); George Mitchell (1933-), US Democratic party politician and diplomat, influential in brokering Northern Ireland peace deal in 1990s, US Middle East special envoy from 2009

米欧 (w)

(mǐōu) mu (Greek letter Μμ)

米泉 (w)

(mǐquán) Miquan county level city in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang

米泉市 (w)

(mǐquánshì) Miquan county level city in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang

米尔斯 (w)

(mǐěrsī) Mills (name)

米尔顿 (w)

(mǐěrdùn) Milton (name); John Milton (1608-1674), English republican writer and poet, author of Paradise Lost

米粉 (w)

(mǐfěn) rice vermicelli

米粉肉 (w)

(mǐfěnròu) rice flour meat

米粒 (w)

(mǐlì) grains of rice

米粥 (w)

(mǐzhōu) congee

米糠 (w)

(mǐkāng) bran

米纳尔迪 (w)

(mǐnàěrdí) Minardi, Formula 1 racing team

米线 (w)

(mǐxiàn) mi xian, a kind of rice noodle

米老鼠 (w)

(mǐlǎoshǔ) Mickey Mouse

米脂 (w)

(mǐzhī) Mizhi county in Yúlín 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shǎnxī

米脂县 (w)

(mǐzhīxiàn) Mizhi county in Yúlín 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shǎnxī

米芾 (w)

(mǐfèi) Mi Fei (1051-1107), Song poet and calligrapher

米兰 (w)

(mǐlán) Milano; Milan (Italy)

米该亚 (w)

(mǐgāiyà) Micah

米诺安 (w)

(mǐnuòān) Minoan (civilization on Crete)

米开朗基罗 (w)

(mǐkāilǎngjīluó) Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), renaissance painter and sculptor

米饭 (w)

(mǐfàn) (cooked) rice

米高扬 (w)

(mǐgāoyáng) Mikoyan (name); Anastas Ivanonovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Soviet politician, politburo member in the 1950s and 1960s; Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan (1905-1970), brother of the politician and one designer of MiG military aircraft

米麴菌 (w)

(mǐqūjūn) Aspergillus oryzae (type of mold)

米面 (w)

(mǐmiàn) rice and noodles; rice flour; rice-flour noodles

米黄 (w)

(mǐhuáng) beige