
(cū) coarse; rough; thick (for cylindrical objects); unfinished; vulgar; rude; crude

粗估 (w)

(cūgū) rough estimate

粗俗 (w)

(cūsú) vulgar

粗劣 (w)

(cūliè) coarse

粗劣作品 (w)

(cūlièzuòpǐn) kitsch, vulgar art, art in bad taste

粗厉 (w)

(cūlì) abrasive; husky (voice)

粗口 (w)

(cūkǒu) swear words; obscene language; foul language

粗哑 (w)

(cūyǎ) husky; hoarse; raucous

粗壮 (w)

(cūzhuàng) thick and solid

粗大 (w)

(cūdà) thick; bulky; loud

粗心 (w)

(cūxīn) careless; thoughtless

粗心大意 (w)

(cūxīndàyì) negligent; careless; inadvertent

粗放 (w)

(cūfàng) extensive; expansive; large-scale

粗暴 (w)

(cūbào) rough; cruel

粗枝大叶 (w)

(cūzhīdàyè) thick stems and broad leaves (idiom); boorish; rough and ready; sloppy

粗榧 (w)

(cūfěi) Chinese plum-yew; Cephalotaxus sinensis (botany)

粗浅 (w)

(cūqiǎn) shallow; superficial

粗犷 (w)

(cūguǎng) rough; rude; boorish; straightforward; uninhibited

粗率 (w)

(cūshuài) rough; coarse; crude; without due care; ill-considered

粗略 (w)

(cūlüè) rough (not precise or accurate); cursory

粗疏 (w)

(cūshū) coarse; rough

粗砂 (w)

(cūshā) grit

粗笨 (w)

(cūbèn) awkward; clumsy; unwieldy; heavy-handed

粗管面 (w)

(cūguǎnmiàn) rigatoni

粗糙 (w)

(cūcāo) crude; gruff; rough; coarse

粗粮 (w)

(cūliáng) coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc)

粗粝 (w)

(cūlì) coarse rice; coarse (of food)

粗细 (w)

(cūxì) thick and thin; coarse and fine; thickness (caliber); coarseness; quality of work

粗茶淡饭 (w)

(cūchádànfàn) plain tea and simple food; (fig.) bread and water

粗制滥造 (w)

(cūzhìlànzào) to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slipshod work

粗话 (w)

(cūhuà) vulgar language (esp. scatological insults); uncultured speech

粗语 (w)

(cūyǔ) rude words; dirty talk

粗豪 (w)

(cūháo) straightforward; forthright

粗鄙 (w)

(cūbǐ) vulgar; coarse; uncouth

粗野 (w)

(cūyě) insolent; boorish; rough (in actions)

粗饭 (w)

(cūfàn) an unappealing and unsatisfying meal

粗饲料 (w)

(cūsìliào) silage; rough fodder

粗体 (w)

(cūtǐ) bold (typeface)

粗体字 (w)

(cūtǐzì) bold letter

粗鲁 (w)

(cūlǔ) crude; coarse; rough

粗盐 (w)

(cūyán) coarse salt; rock salt