
(xì) to connect; to relate to; to tie up; to bind; to be (literary)

系数 (w)

(xìshù) coefficient; factor; modulus; ratio


(xì) system; department; faculty

系主任 (w)

(xìzhǔrèn) chairman of department; dean; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4]

系出名门 (w)

(xìchūmíngmén) to come from a distinguished family

系列 (w)

(xìliè) series

系列放大器 (w)

(xìlièfàngdàqì) series amplifier

系列片 (w)

(xìlièpiàn) film series

系统 (w)

(xìtǒng) system; CL:個|个[ge4]

系统性 (w)

(xìtǒngxìng) systematic


(jì) to tie; to fasten; to button up


(xì) to connect; to arrest; to worry

系上 (w)

(jìshang) to tie on; to buckle up; to fasten

系囚 (w)

(jìqiú) to be imprisoned

系囚 (w)

(xìqiú) prisoner

系泊 (w)

(jìbó) to moor

系领带 (w)

(jìlǐngdài) to tie one's necktie