
(fēn) numerous; confused; disorderly

纷乱 (w)

(fēnluàn) numerous and disorderly

纷呈 (w)

(fēnchéng) brilliant and varied; (often in the combination 精彩纷呈)

纷披 (w)

(fēnpī) scattered; mixed and disorganized

纷扰 (w)

(fēnrǎo) turmoil; unrest; disturbance

纷争 (w)

(fēnzhēng) to dispute

纷纷 (w)

(fēnfēn) one after another; in succession; one by one; continuously; diverse; in profusion; numerous and confused; pell-mell

纷纷扬扬 (w)

(fēnfēnyángyáng) fluttering about (of leaves etc)

纷纭 (w)

(fēnyún) diverse and muddled; many and confused

纷繁 (w)

(fēnfán) numerous and complicated

纷至沓来 (w)

(fēnzhìtàlái) to come thick and fast (idiom)

纷杂 (w)

(fēnzá) numerous and confused; in a mess

纷飞 (w)

(fēnfēi) to swirl in the air (of thickly falling snowflakes, flower petals etc); to flutter about