
(suō) to withdraw; to pull back; to contract; to shrink; to reduce; abbreviation; also pronounced [su4]

缩多氨酸 (w)

(suōduōānsuān) polypeptide, a chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH, a component of protein; same as 多肽[duo1 tai4]

缩写 (w)

(suōxiě) abbreviation; to abridge

缩小 (w)

(suōxiǎo) to reduce; to decrease

缩小模型 (w)

(suōxiǎomóxíng) miniature

缩影 (w)

(suōyǐng) miniature; a big picture in a nutshell; the epitome (of sth)

缩成 (w)

(suōchéng) to shrink into

缩成一团 (w)

(suōchéngyītuán) to huddle together; to curl up

缩手缩脚 (w)

(suōshǒusuōjiǎo) bound hand and foot (idiom); constrained

缩放 (w)

(suōfàng) scaling; resizing; zoom (graphics)

缩氨酸 (w)

(suōānsuān) peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH); same as 肽[tai4]

缩水 (w)

(suōshuǐ) to shrink (in the wash); fig. to shrink (of profits etc)

缩减 (w)

(suōjiǎn) to cut; to reduce

缩略 (w)

(suōlüè) to contract; to abbreviate; abbreviation

缩略字 (w)

(suōlüèzì) abbreviated character

缩略语 (w)

(suōlüèyǔ) abbreviated word; acronym

缩短 (w)

(suōduǎn) to curtail; to cut down

缩约 (w)

(suōyuē) contraction (in grammar); abbreviation

缩胸 (w)

(suōxiōng) breast reduction; reduction mammaplasty

缩衣节食 (w)

(suōyījiéshí) to economize on clothes and food; to scrimp and save (idiom)