
(yē) (phonetic ye)


(yé) interrogative particle (classical)


(ye) final particle indicating enthusiasm etc

耶利米 (w)

(yēlìmǐ) Jeremy or Jeremiah (name)

耶利米哀歌 (w)

(yēlìmǐāigē) the Lamentations of Jeremiah

耶利米书 (w)

(yēlìmǐshū) Book of Jeremiah

耶和华 (w)

(yēhéhuá) Jehovah (biblical name for God, Hebrew: YHWH); compare Yahweh 雅威[Ya3 wei1] and God 上帝[Shang4 di4]

耶和华见证人 (w)

(yēhéhuájiànzhèngrén) Jehovah's Witnesses

耶哥尼雅 (w)

(yēgēníyǎ) Jechoniah or Jeconiah (son of Josiah)

耶弗他 (w)

(yēfútā) Jephthah (Hebrew: Yiftach) son of Gilead, Judges 11-foll.

耶律大石 (w)

(yēlǜdàshí) Yollig Taxin or Yelü Dashi (1087-1143), Chinese-educated Khitan leader, founder of Western Liao 西遼|西辽 in Central Asia

耶烈万 (w)

(yēlièwàn) Yerevan, capital of Armenia; also written 埃里温[Ai1 li3 wen1]

耶稣 (w)

(yēsū) Jesus

耶稣升天节 (w)

(yēsūshēngtiānjié) Ascension day (Christian festival forty days after Easter)

耶稣受难节 (w)

(yēsūshòunànjié) Good Friday

耶稣基督 (w)

(yēsūjīdū) Jesus Christ

耶稣基督后期圣徒教会 (w)

(yēsūjīdūhòuqīshèngtújiàohuì) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

耶稣基督末世圣徒教会 (w)

(yēsūjīdūmòshìshèngtújiàohuì) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

耶稣教 (w)

(yēsūjiào) Protestantism

耶稣会 (w)

(yēsūhuì) The Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

耶稣会士 (w)

(yēsūhuìshì) a Jesuit; member of Society of Jesus

耶稣降临节 (w)

(yēsūjiànglínjié) Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks before Christmas)

耶莱娜・扬科维奇 (w)

(yéláinuóyángkēwéiqí) Jelena Jankovic (1985-), Serbian tennis player

耶西 (w)

(yēxī) Jesse (son of Obed)

耶诞节 (w)

(yēdànjié) Christmas; same as 聖誕節|圣诞节

耶路撒冷 (w)

(yēlùsālěng) Jerusalem, capital of Israel

耶酥 (w)

(yēsū) Jesus (耶稣 is more usual)

耶酥会 (w)

(yēsūhuì) the Society of Jesus; the Jesuits

耶酥会士 (w)

(yēsūhuìshì) a Jesuit

耶鲁 (w)

(yēlǔ) Yale

耶鲁大学 (w)

(yēlǔdàxué) Yale University