
(shé) tongue

舌下 (w)

(shéxià) sublingual; hypoglossal

舌下含服 (w)

(shéxiàhánfù) sublingual administration (medicine)

舌下片 (w)

(shéxiàpiàn) sublingual tablet (medicine)

舌下腺 (w)

(shéxiàxiàn) sublingual gland; saliva gland under tongue

舌吻 (w)

(shéwěn) to french kiss; french kiss

舌尖 (w)

(shéjiān) tip of tongue; apical

舌尖前音 (w)

(shéjiānqiányīn) alveolar; consonants z, c, s produced with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge

舌尖后音 (w)

(shéjiānhòuyīn) retroflex; consonants zh, ch, sh, r produced on the back of the tongue

舌尖音 (w)

(shéjiānyīn) apical consonant (produced with the tip of the tongue, i.e. d or t)

舌尖颤音 (w)

(shéjiānchànyīn) alveolar trill (e.g. Russian r sound)

舌战 (w)

(shézhàn) verbal sparring; duel of words

舌根 (w)

(shégēn) back of tongue; tongue root; dorsal

舌钉 (w)

(shédīng) tongue ring; tongue piercing

舌面 (w)

(shémiàn) blade of tongue; laminal

舌头 (w)

(shétou) tongue; CL:個|个[ge4]; enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information