
(shū) surname Shu


(shū) to stretch; to unfold; to relax; leisurely

舒喘灵 (w)

(shūchuǎnlíng) albuterol, kind of chemical used in treating asthma

舒坦 (w)

(shūtan) comfortable; at ease

舒城 (w)

(shūchéng) Shucheng county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui

舒城县 (w)

(shūchéngxiàn) Shucheng county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui

舒梦兰 (w)

(shūmènglán) Shu Menglan (1759-1835), Qin dynasty writer, poet and editor of Anthology of ci poems tunes 白香詞譜|白香词谱

舒展 (w)

(shūzhǎn) to roll out; to extend; to smooth out; to unfold

舒张 (w)

(shūzhāng) to relax (of muscle)

舒张压 (w)

(shūzhāngyā) diastolic blood pressure

舒心 (w)

(shūxīn) comfortable; happy

舒畅 (w)

(shūchàng) happy; entirely free from worry

舒曼 (w)

(shūmàn) Schumann (name); Robert Schumann (1810-1856), romantic composer

舒服 (w)

(shūfu) comfortable; feeling well

舒淇 (w)

(shūqí) Shu Qi (1976-), Taiwanese actress

舒缓 (w)

(shūhuǎn) to ease (tension); to relax; to cause sth to relax; to alleviate; relaxed; easy and unhurried; leisurely; soothing; mild (slope)

舒肤佳 (w)

(shūfūjiā) Safeguard (brand)

舒舒服服 (w)

(shūshufufu) comfortable; with ease

舒兰 (w)

(shūlán) Shulan county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province

舒兰市 (w)

(shūlánshì) Shulan county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province

舒适 (w)

(shūshì) cozy; snug

舒适音 (w)

(shūshìyīn) comfortable voice (well within one's range of pitch)

舒马赫 (w)

(shūmǎhè) Schumacher