
(chuán) a boat; vessel; ship; CL:條|条[tiao2],艘[sou1],隻|只[zhi1]

船上 (w)

(chuánshàng) aboard

船上交货 (w)

(chuánshàngjiāohuò) Free On Board (FOB) (transportation)

船主 (w)

(chuánzhǔ) ship's captain; owner of ship

船位 (w)

(chuánwèi) ship's position

船到桥门,自会直 (w)

(chuándàoqiáoménzìhuìzhí) lit. when the ship arrives at the bridge we can deal with the problem; no point in worrying about sth until it actually happens (idiom)

船到桥头自然直 (w)

(chuándàoqiáotóuzìránzhí) When the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current (俗话 common saying). fig. Everything will be all right.; cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直

船到江心,补漏迟 (w)

(chuándàojiāngxīnbǔlòuchí) It's too late to plug the leak once ship is in the middle of the river. (idiom)

船到码头,车到站 (w)

(chuándàomǎtóuchēdàozhàn) The ship has docked, the carriage has reached the station.; The job is over, it's time to relax. (idiom)

船员 (w)

(chuányuán) sailor; crew member

船埠 (w)

(chuánbù) wharf; quay

船坞 (w)

(chuánwù) shipyard

船夫 (w)

(chuánfū) boatman

船家 (w)

(chuánjiā) person who lives and makes a living on a boat; boatman; boat dweller

船尾 (w)

(chuánwěi) back end of a ship; aft

船尾座 (w)

(chuánwěizuò) Puppis (constellation)

船山 (w)

(chuánshān) Chuanshan district of Suining city 遂寧市|遂宁市[Sui4 ning2 shi4], Sichuan

船山区 (w)

(chuánshānqū) Chuanshan district of Suining city 遂寧市|遂宁市[Sui4 ning2 shi4], Sichuan

船工 (w)

(chuángōng) boatman; boat builder

船帆 (w)

(chuánfān) sail

船帆座 (w)

(chuánfānzuò) Vela (constellation)

船帮 (w)

(chuánbāng) side of boat or ship; gunwale

船底座 (w)

(chuándǐzuò) Carina (constellation)

船厂 (w)

(chuánchǎng) shipyard; shipbuilder's yard

船户 (w)

(chuánhù) boatman; boat dweller

船政大臣 (w)

(chuánzhèngdàchén) Ministry of Navy during Qing times

船政学堂 (w)

(chuánzhèngxuétáng) Fuzhou naval college, set up in 1866 by the Qing dynasty, called the cradle of Chinese navy

船方 (w)

(chuánfāng) ship (commerce)

船东 (w)

(chuándōng) ship owner

船梯 (w)

(chuántī) ship's ladder

船民 (w)

(chuánmín) people who live and make a living on boats

船营 (w)

(chuányíng) Chuanying district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province

船营区 (w)

(chuányíngqū) Chuanying district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province

船票 (w)

(chuánpiào) ship ticket

船篷 (w)

(chuánpéng) ship's sail

船籍 (w)

(chuánjí) ship's registry

船籍港 (w)

(chuánjígǎng) port of registration (of ship)

船缆 (w)

(chuánlǎn) ship's hawser; rigging

船老大 (w)

(chuánlǎodà) coxswain; steersman; boatswain (bo'sun)

船舵 (w)

(chuánduò) rudder; helm of a ship

船舶 (w)

(chuánbó) shipping; boats

船舷 (w)

(chuánxián) sides of a ship; ship's railing; fig. the dividing line between shipboard expenses and onshore freight charges

船舱 (w)

(chuáncāng) hold of ship

船舰 (w)

(chuánjiàn) navy vessel; (coast guard) patrol boat

船货 (w)

(chuánhuò) cargo

船身 (w)

(chuánshēn) hull; body of a ship

船运 (w)

(chuányùn) sea freight; shipping

船运业 (w)

(chuányùnyè) shipping

船长 (w)

(chuánzhǎng) captain (of a boat); skipper

船闸 (w)

(chuánzhá) a canal lock

船队 (w)

(chuánduì) fleet (of ships)

船只 (w)

(chuánzhī) ship; boat; vessel

船头 (w)

(chuántóu) the bow or prow of a ship

船首 (w)

(chuánshǒu) ship's bow

船体 (w)

(chuántǐ) hull; body of a ship