
(sè) color; CL:種|种[zhong3]; look; appearance; sex


(shǎi) color; dice

色令智昏 (w)

(sèlìngzhìhūn) to lose one's head over lust; sex-crazy (idiom)

色光 (w)

(sèguāng) colored light

色厉内荏 (w)

(sèlìnèirěn) lit. show strength while weak inside (idiom); appearing fierce while cowardly at heart; a sheep in wolf's clothing

色厉词严 (w)

(sèlìcíyán) severe in both looks and speech (idiom)

色友 (w)

(sèyǒu) photography enthusiast

色当 (w)

(sèdāng) Sedan (French town)

色域 (w)

(sèyù) color gamut

色夷 (w)

(sèyí) smiling genially; to beam

色子 (w)

(shǎizi) dice (used in gambling)

色字头上一把刀 (w)

(sèzìtóushàngyībǎdāo) lit. there is a knife above the character for lust; fig. lascivous activities can lead to bitter consequences

色度 (w)

(sèdù) saturation (color theory)

色彩 (w)

(sècǎi) tint; coloring; coloration; character

色情 (w)

(sèqíng) erotic; pornographic

色情作品 (w)

(sèqíngzuòpǐn) porn; book about sex

色情小说 (w)

(sèqíngxiǎoshuō) pornographic novel; dirty book

色情业 (w)

(sèqíngyè) porn business

色情狂 (w)

(sèqíngkuáng) mad about sex; nymphomania

色欲 (w)

(sèyù) sexual desire; lust

色拉 (w)

(sèlā) salad

色拉寺 (w)

(sèlāsì) Sera monastery near Lhasa, Tibet

色拉油 (w)

(sèlāyóu) salad oil

色拉酱 (w)

(sèlājiàng) salad dressing; vinaigrette

色斑 (w)

(sèbān) stain; colored patch; freckle; lentigo

色氨酸 (w)

(sèānsuān) tryptophan (Trp), an essential amino acid

色泽 (w)

(sèzé) color and luster

色狼 (w)

(sèláng) lecher; pervert; wolf

色盅 (w)

(shǎizhōng) dice cup

色目 (w)

(sèmù) Semu

色盲 (w)

(sèmáng) color blindness

色相 (w)

(sèxiāng) coloration; hue; sex; sex appeal

色素 (w)

(sèsù) pigment

色素体 (w)

(sèsùtǐ) plastid (organelle in plant cell)

色胺酸 (w)

(sèànsuān) tryptophan

色胆 (w)

(sèdǎn) lust; desire for sex

色色迷迷 (w)

(sèsèmímí) crazy about sex; lecherous; horny

色荒 (w)

(sèhuāng) wallowing in lust

色诱 (w)

(sèyòu) to seduce; to lead into sex

色调 (w)

(sèdiào) hue; tone

色迷 (w)

(sèmí) crazy about sex; lecherous; horny

色达 (w)

(sèdá) Sêrtar county (Tibetan: gser thar rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)

色达县 (w)

(shǎidáxiàn) Sêrtar county (Tibetan: gser thar rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)

色键 (w)

(sèjiàn) chroma key; bluescreen; greenscreen (video editing)

色钟 (w)

(shǎizhōng) dice cup

色长 (w)

(sèzhǎng) brothel keeper

色鬼 (w)

(sèguǐ) sex maniac