
(jié) festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:個|个[ge4]

节上生枝 (w)

(jiéshàngshēngzhī) a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising

节候 (w)

(jiéhòu) season and climate

节俭 (w)

(jiéjiǎn) frugal; economical

节制 (w)

(jiézhì) to control; to restrict; to moderate; to temper; to administer

节哀顺变 (w)

(jiéāishùnbiàn) restrain your grief, accept fate (condolence phrase)

节外生枝 (w)

(jiéwàishēngzhī) a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising

节奏 (w)

(jiézòu) rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat

节奏布鲁斯 (w)

(jiézòubùlǔsī) Rhythm and Blues R&B

节度使 (w)

(jiédùshǐ) Tang and Song dynasty provincial governor, in Tang times having military and civil authority, but only civil authority in Song

节庆 (w)

(jiéqìng) festival

节拍 (w)

(jiépāi) beat (music); meter

节拍器 (w)

(jiépāiqì) metronome

节操 (w)

(jiécāo) integrity; moral principle

节支 (w)

(jiézhī) to save on expenditure

节支动物 (w)

(jiézhīdòngwù) arthropod

节日 (w)

(jiérì) holiday; festival; CL:個|个[ge4]

节期 (w)

(jiéqī) festival season

节本 (w)

(jiéběn) abridged version

节气 (w)

(jiéqi) solar term

节气门 (w)

(jiéqìmén) throttle

节水 (w)

(jiéshuǐ) to save water

节油 (w)

(jiéyóu) to economize on gasoline; fuel-efficient

节流 (w)

(jiéliú) to control flow; to choke; weir valve; a throttle; a choke

节流踏板 (w)

(jiéliútàbǎn) throttle pedal; accelerator

节流阀 (w)

(jiéliúfá) a throttle

节略 (w)

(jiélüè) abbreviation

节略本 (w)

(jiélüèběn) abridged version

节瘤 (w)

(jiéliú) knot (in wood)

节目 (w)

(jiémù) program; item (on a program); CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4]

节省 (w)

(jiéshěng) saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on

节约 (w)

(jiéyuē) to economize; to conserve (resources); economy; frugal

节肢介体病毒 (w)

(jiézhījiètǐbìngdú) arbovirus

节肢动物 (w)

(jiézhīdòngwù) arthropod

节育 (w)

(jiéyù) to practice birth control

节能 (w)

(jiénéng) to save energy; energy-saving

节能灯 (w)

(jiénéngdēng) compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)

节衣缩食 (w)

(jiéyīsuōshí) to save on food and clothing (idiom); to live frugally

节足动物 (w)

(jiézúdòngwù) arthropod, segmented animals with jointed limbs; same as 節肢動物|节肢动物[jie2 zhi1 dong4 wu4]

节车 (w)

(jiéchē) a train; articulated vehicle

节选 (w)

(jiéxuǎn) excerpt; selection (from a book); to select; to choose an extract

节录 (w)

(jiélù) to extract; to excerpt; excerpt

节间 (w)

(jiéjiān) between joints

节电 (w)

(jiédiàn) to save electricity; power saving

节食 (w)

(jiéshí) to save food; to go on a diet

节余 (w)

(jiéyú) to save; savings

节骨眼 (w)

(jiéguyǎn) critical juncture; crucial moment

节点 (w)

(jiédiǎn) node