
(huā) surname Hua


(huā) flower; blossom; CL:朵[duo3],支[zhi1],束[shu4],把[ba3],盆[pen2],簇[cu4]; fancy pattern; florid; to spend (money, time)

花不棱登 (w)

(huābùléngdēng) gaudy; repulsively colored

花俏 (w)

(huāqiào) fancy; gaudy

花光 (w)

(huāguāng) to spend all one's money

花儿 (w)

(huāér) style of folk song popular in Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia; CL:首[shou3]

花儿 (w)

(huār) erhua variant of 花[hua1]

花冠 (w)

(huāguàn) corolla

花前月下 (w)

(huāqiányuèxià) in flowers by moonlight (idiom); fig. courtship; honeymoon

花剑 (w)

(huājiàn) foil (fencing)

花匠 (w)

(huājiàng) gardener

花卉 (w)

(huāhuì) flowers and plants

花丛 (w)

(huācóng) cluster of flowers; inflorescence; flowering shrub

花呢 (w)

(huāní) tweed; checkered cloth

花哨 (w)

(huāshao) garish; gaudy

花商 (w)

(huāshāng) florist

花圈 (w)

(huāquān) wreath; garland

花园 (w)

(huāyuán) garden; CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]

花地玛堂区 (w)

(huādìmǎtángqū) Parish of Our Lady of Fatima (Macau); Freguesia de Nossa Senhora de Fátima

花垣 (w)

(huāyuán) Huayuan county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]

花垣县 (w)

(huāyuánxiàn) Huayuan county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]

花坛 (w)

(huātán) Huatan township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan

花坛 (w)

(huātán) flower terrace; parterre

花坛乡 (w)

(huātánxiāng) Huatan township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan

花大姐 (w)

(huādàjiě) common word for ladybug, more formally 瓢虫

花天酒地 (w)

(huātiānjiǔdì) to spend one's time in drinking and pleasure (idiom); to indulge in sensual pleasures; life of debauchery

花好月圆 (w)

(huāhǎoyuèyuán) lit. lovely flowers, round moon (idiom); fig. everything is wonderful; perfect happiness; conjugal bliss

花子 (w)

(huāzi) beggar (old term)

花季 (w)

(huājì) youthful time; prime of youth; flowering season

花容月貌 (w)

(huāróngyuèmào) lit. countenance of a flower, face like the moon (idiom); fig. (of a woman) beautiful

花展 (w)

(huāzhǎn) flower show

花山 (w)

(huāshān) Huashan district of Ma'anshan city 馬鞍山市|马鞍山市[Ma3 an1 shan1 shi4], Anhui

花山区 (w)

(huāshānqū) Huashan district of Ma'anshan city 馬鞍山市|马鞍山市[Ma3 an1 shan1 shi4], Anhui

花岗岩 (w)

(huāgāngyán) granite

花岗石 (w)

(huāgāngshí) granite

花巧 (w)

(huāqiǎo) fancy

花布 (w)

(huābù) printed cloth; calico

花床 (w)

(huāchuáng) flower bed

花序 (w)

(huāxù) inflorescence; flower cluster

花店 (w)

(huādiàn) flower shop

花彩 (w)

(huācǎi) to festoon; to decorate with a row of colored garlands

花心 (w)

(huāxīn) fickle (in love affairs); dissipated; unfaithful; heart of a flower (pistil and stamen)

花心思 (w)

(huāxīnsī) to think through; to invest effort in thinking about; to consider thoroughly

花户 (w)

(huāhù) registered occupants of a house

花房 (w)

(huāfáng) greenhouse

花托 (w)

(huātuō) receptacle (base of flower)

花把势 (w)

(huābǎshì) expert flower grower

花把式 (w)

(huābǎshì) expert flower grower

花押 (w)

(huāyā) signature (in grass-style writing); symbol used in place of a signature (on a document, contract etc)

花招 (w)

(huāzhāo) trick

花括号 (w)

(huākuòhào) braces; curly brackets { }

花拳 (w)

(huāquán) showy boxing of no practical use; see 花拳繡腿|花拳绣腿

花拳绣腿 (w)

(huāquánxiùtuǐ) flowery of fist with fancy footwork (idiom); highly embellished and ineffectual; fancy but impractical skills; all show and no go; pugilistic wankery

花掉 (w)

(huādiào) to spend (time, money); to waste

花斑 (w)

(huābān) patches; mottling

花斑癣 (w)

(huābānxuǎn) pityriasis versicolor (aka tinea versicolor), blotchy skin condition common in tropical areas, common name 汗斑

花旗 (w)

(huāqí) the Stars and Stripes (US flag); by extension, the United States of America; abbr. for Citibank 花旗銀行|花旗银行

花旗参 (w)

(huāqíshēn) American ginseng

花旗国 (w)

(huāqíguó) USA (land of the stars and stripes)

花旗银行 (w)

(huāqíyínháng) Citibank; abbr. to 花旗

花旦 (w)

(huādàn) role of vivacious young female in Chinese opera

花时间 (w)

(huāshíjiān) to take up time; to spend time

花会 (w)

(huāhuì) flower fair or festival

花朝月夕 (w)

(huāzhāoyuèxī) a beautiful day; cf Birthday of the Flowers on lunar 15th February and Mid-autumn Festival on lunar 15th August

花朝节 (w)

(huāzhāojié) Birthday of the Flowers, spring festival on lunar 12th or 15th February

花期 (w)

(huāqī) the flowering season

花木 (w)

(huāmù) flowers and trees; plants; flora

花木兰 (w)

(huāmùlán) Hua Mulan, legendary woman warrior (c. fifth century), Northern dynasties folk hero recorded in Sui and Tang literature

花朵 (w)

(huāduǒ) flower

花束 (w)

(huāshù) bouquet

花果山 (w)

(huāguǒshān) Mount Huaguo; Mountain of Flowers and Fruit

花枝 (w)

(huāzhī) a flowering branch; fig. beautiful woman; octopus (on dining menu)

花枝招展 (w)

(huāzhīzhāozhǎn) lit. the flowering branches sway (idiom); fig. gorgeously dressed (woman)

花柱 (w)

(huāzhù) style (female organ of flower)

花柳病 (w)

(huāliǔbìng) sexually transmitted disease; venereal disease

花栗鼠 (w)

(huālìshǔ) chipmunk (genus Tamias)

花梗 (w)

(huāgěng) stem of flower

花椒 (w)

(huājiāo) Sichuan pepper; Chinese prickly ash

花椰菜 (w)

(huāyēcài) cauliflower

花枪 (w)

(huāqiāng) short spear (arch.); fig. trickery

花样 (w)

(huāyàng) pattern; type; trick

花样游泳 (w)

(huāyàngyóuyǒng) synchronized swimming

花样滑冰 (w)

(huāyànghuábīng) figure skating

花池子 (w)

(huāchízi) flower bed

花溪 (w)

(huāxī) Huaxi district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou

花溪区 (w)

(huāxīqū) Huaxi district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou

花洒 (w)

(huāsǎ) sprinkler; shower

花炮 (w)

(huāpào) firecracker

花无百日红 (w)

(huāwúbǎirìhóng) No flower can bloom for a hundred days.; Good times do not last long. (idiom)

花灯 (w)

(huādēng) colored lantern (used at Lantern festival 元宵節|元宵节)

花灯戏 (w)

(huādēngxì) opera for popular in Sichuan and Yunnan

花环 (w)

(huāhuán) garland; floral hoop

花瓣 (w)

(huābàn) petal; CL:片[pian4]

花瓶 (w)

(huāpíng) flower vase; fig. just a pretty face; CL:對|对[dui4]

花生 (w)

(huāshēng) peanut; groundnut; CL:粒[li4]

花生浆 (w)

(huāshēngjiàng) peanut butter; also written 花生醬|花生酱

花生秀 (w)

(huāshēngxiù) fashion show

花生米 (w)

(huāshēngmǐ) shelled peanuts

花生酱 (w)

(huāshēngjiàng) peanut butter

花甲 (w)

(huājiǎ) complete sexagenary cycle; a 60 year-old person; passage of time

花痴 (w)

(huāchī) obsessive love (slang)

花白 (w)

(huābái) grizzled (hair)

花盆 (w)

(huāpén) flower pot

花石 (w)

(huāshí) marble

花石峡 (w)

(huāshíxiá) Huashixia town in Madoi county 瑪多縣|玛多县[Ma3 duo1 xian4] in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai

花石峡镇 (w)

(huāshíxiázhèn) Huashixia town in Madoi county 瑪多縣|玛多县[Ma3 duo1 xian4] in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai

花簇 (w)

(huācù) bunch of flowers; bouquet

花粉 (w)

(huāfěn) pollen

花粉热 (w)

(huāfěnrè) hay fever

花粉症 (w)

(huāfěnzhèng) hay fever; seasonal allergic rhinitis

花粉过敏 (w)

(huāfěnguòmǐn) hay fever

花红 (w)

(huāhóng) flowers on red silk (a traditional gift to celebrate weddings etc); a bonus; crab apple (Malus asiatica)

花红柳绿 (w)

(huāhóngliǔlǜ) red flowers and green willow; all the colors of spring

花纹 (w)

(huāwén) decorative design

花结 (w)

(huājié) decorative bow of ribbon or fabric

花絮 (w)

(huāxù) bits of news; interesting sidelights

花丝 (w)

(huāsī) stalk (filament) of stamen

花缎 (w)

(huāduàn) brocade; figured satin

花腔 (w)

(huāqiāng) florid ornamentation in opera; coloratura

花色 (w)

(huāsè) variety; design and color; suit (cards)

花色繁多 (w)

(huāsèfánduō) a rich selection of colors and designs (idiom)

花花公子 (w)

(huāhuāgōngzǐ) a playboy; Playboy (magazine)

花花搭搭 (w)

(huāhuadādā) mixed; uneven in texture

花花肠子 (w)

(huāhuāchángzi) (slang) a cunning plot

花茶 (w)

(huāchá) scented tea; CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]

花草 (w)

(huācǎo) flowers and plants

花菜 (w)

(huācài) cauliflower

花萼 (w)

(huāè) sepal

花莲 (w)

(huālián) Hualián or Hualien city and county on the east coast of Taiwan

花莲市 (w)

(huāliánshì) Hualien city on the east coast of Taiwan

花莲县 (w)

(huāliánxiàn) Hualián or Hualien county on the east coast of Taiwan

花蕊 (w)

(huāruǐ) stamen; pistil

花蕾 (w)

(huālěi) bud; flower bud

花药 (w)

(huāyào) anther (pollen sack on stamen)

花蛤 (w)

(huāgé) clam; bivalve mollusc, many spp.

花蜜 (w)

(huāmì) nectar

花被 (w)

(huābèi) perianth (common term for calyx and corolla); border and protecting envelope of a flower

花言巧语 (w)

(huāyánqiǎoyǔ) graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric

花豹 (w)

(huābào) leopard; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

花貌蓬心 (w)

(huāmàopéngxīn) florid outside appearance, unkempt interior (idiom)

花费 (w)

(huāfèi) expense; cost; to spend (time or money); expenditure

花车 (w)

(huāchē) car festooned for celebration

花轿 (w)

(huājiào) marriage sedan

花农 (w)

(huānóng) flower grower

花边 (w)

(huābiān) lace; decorative border

花边人物 (w)

(huābiānrénwù) smooth talker; fast talker; slick and sociable person; person in the news

花边儿 (w)

(huābiānr) erhua variant of 花邊|花边[hua1 bian1]

花边新闻 (w)

(huābiānxīnwén) media gossip; sensational news

花都 (w)

(huādū) Huadu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong

花都区 (w)

(huādūqū) Huadu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong

花酒 (w)

(huājiǔ) dinner party with singsong girls in attendance; CL:桌[zhuo1]; palm liquor; CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2]

花销 (w)

(huāxiāo) expenses

花钱 (w)

(huāqián) to spend money

花钱找罪受 (w)

(huāqiánzhǎozuìshòu) to spend money on sth that turns out to be unsatisfactory or even disastrous

花开 (w)

(huākāi) bloom

花雕 (w)

(huādiāo) Shaoxing yellow wine

花鸡 (w)

(huājī) chaffinch (family Fringillidae)

花露水 (w)

(huālùshuǐ) perfumed toilet water; eau de cologne; floral water; hydrosol

花头 (w)

(huātóu) flower head

花头 (w)

(huātou) trick; pattern; novel idea; knack

花饰 (w)

(huāshì) floral decoration; ornament; floral pattern

花香 (w)

(huāxiāng) fragrance of flowers

花鸟 (w)

(huāniǎo) painting of birds and flowers

花黄 (w)

(huāhuáng) yellow flower (cosmetic powder used on women's forehead in former times)

花点子 (w)

(huādiǎnzi) trickery; scam

花鼓 (w)

(huāgǔ) flower-drum, a folk art form involving singing and dancing

花鼓戏 (w)

(huāgǔxì) opera form popular along Changjiang