
(sū) see 囉囌|啰苏[luo1 su1]


(sū) variant of 蘇|苏[su1]; to revive

苏仙 (w)

(sūxiān) Suxian district of Chenzhou city 郴州市[Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan

苏仙区 (w)

(sūxiānqū) Suxian district of Chenzhou city 郴州市[Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan

苏家屯 (w)

(sūjiātún) Sujiatun district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning

苏家屯区 (w)

(sūjiātúnqū) Sujiatun district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning

苏醒 (w)

(sūxǐng) to come to; to awaken; to regain consciousness


(sū) surname Su; abbr. for Soviet Union 蘇維埃|苏维埃 or 蘇聯|苏联; abbr. for Jiangsu province 江蘇|江苏; abbr. for Suzhou city 蘇州|苏州


(sū) Perilla frutescens (Chinese basil or wild red basil); place name; to revive; used as phonetic in transliteration

苏丹 (w)

(sūdān) Sudan; sultan (ruler of some Muslim states, esp. Ottoman Emperor)

苏伊士 (w)

(sūyīshì) Suez (canal)

苏伊士河 (w)

(sūyīshìhé) the Suez canal

苏伊士运河 (w)

(sūyīshìyùnhé) Suez Canal

苏占区 (w)

(sūzhànqū) Soviet occupied area (of east Europe etc)

苏俄 (w)

(sūé) Soviet Russia

苏克雷 (w)

(sūkèléi) Sucre, constitutional capital of Bolivia

苏共 (w)

(sūgòng) Soviet Communist party; abbr. for 蘇聯共產黨|苏联共产党

苏台德地区 (w)

(sūtáidédìqū) Sudetenland

苏合香 (w)

(sūhéxiāng) snowdrop bush (Styrax officinalis); gum storax, used in traditional Chinese medicine

苏哈托 (w)

(sūhātuō) Suharto

苏报案 (w)

(sūbàoàn) Qing's 1903 suppression of revolutionary calls in newspaper 蘇報|苏报, leading to imprisonment of Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 and Zou Rong 鄒容|邹容

苏姆盖特 (w)

(sūmǔgàitè) Sumgayit, city in Azerbaijan

苏富比 (w)

(sūfùbǐ) Sotheby's auction house

苏宁电器 (w)

(sūníngdiànqì) Suning Appliance (PRC electrical retailer)

苏尼特右旗 (w)

(sūnítèyòuqí) Sonid Right banner in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia

苏尼特左旗 (w)

(sūnítèzuǒqí) Sonid Left banner in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia

苏州 (w)

(sūzhōu) Suzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu

苏州地区 (w)

(sūzhōudìqū) Suzhou region in Jiangsu

苏州大学 (w)

(sūzhōudàxué) Suzhou or Soochow University (Suzhou, PRC since 1986)

苏州市 (w)

(sūzhōushì) Suzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu

苏州河 (w)

(sūzhōuhé) Suzhou Creek (river in Shanghai)

苏州码子 (w)

(sūzhōumǎzi) Suzhou numerals, i.e. the ten numerals 〡,〢,〣,〤,〥,〦,〧,〨,〩,十 nowadays mainly used in traditional trades such as Chinese medicine; also called 草碼|草码[cao3 ma3]

苏州话 (w)

(sūzhōuhuà) Suzhou dialect; one of the main forms of southern Chinese 吳語|吴语, having seven tones

苏必利尔湖 (w)

(sūbìlìěrhú) Lake Superior, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖[Wu3 da4 hu2]

苏打 (w)

(sūdá) soda (loanword)

苏打水 (w)

(sūdáshuǐ) soda water

苏打水 (w)

(sūdǎshuǐ) soda drink (loanword)

苏打粉 (w)

(sūdáfěn) baking soda

苏打饼干 (w)

(sūdábǐnggān) soda biscuit; cracker

苏拉威西 (w)

(sūlāwēixī) Sulawesi or Celebes (Indonesian Island)

苏易简 (w)

(sūyìjiǎn) Su Yijian (958-997), Northern Song writer and poet

苏木 (w)

(sūmù) sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan), used in Chinese medicine; administrative subdivision of banner 旗 (county) in inner Mongolia (Mongol: arrow)

苏杭 (w)

(sūháng) Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1] and Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 zhou1]

苏东坡 (w)

(sūdōngpō) Su Dongpo, another name for Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼 (1037-1101), northern Song writer and calligrapher

苏枋 (w)

(sūfāng) sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan)

苏枋木 (w)

(sūfāngmù) sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan), used in Chinese medicine

苏格拉底 (w)

(sūgélādǐ) Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher

苏格兰 (w)

(sūgélán) Scotland

苏格兰场 (w)

(sūgélánchǎng) Scotland Yard

苏格兰女王玛丽 (w)

(sūgélánnǚwángmǎlì) Mary Queen of Scots (1542-87)

苏格兰帽 (w)

(sūgélánmào) bonnet

苏格兰折耳猫 (w)

(sūgélánzhéěrmāo) Scottish Fold

苏步青 (w)

(sūbùqīng) Su Buqing

苏武 (w)

(sūwǔ) Su Wu (140-60 BC), Hany dynasty envoy to the Xiongnu 匈奴 kept captive for 20 years

苏氨酸 (w)

(sūānsuān) threonine (Thr), an essential amino acid

苏洵 (w)

(sūxún) Su Xun (1009-1066), northern Song writer of prose; one of the Three Su 三苏 and one of Eight Giants 唐宋八大家

苏澳 (w)

(sūào) Su'ao town in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan

苏澳镇 (w)

(sūàozhèn) Su'ao town in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan

苏尔 (w)

(sūěr) Sol (goddess)

苏珊 (w)

(sūshān) Susan (name)

苏珊・波伊尔 (w)

(sūshānbōyīěr) Susan Boyle (1961-), competitor in UK reality TV competition

苏瓦 (w)

(sūwǎ) Suva, capital of Fiji

苏禄 (w)

(sūlù) old term for Sulawesi or Celebes 苏拉威西

苏秦 (w)

(sūqín) Su Qin (340-284 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)

苏维埃 (w)

(sūwéiāi) Soviet (council)

苏维埃俄国 (w)

(sūwéiāiéguó) Soviet Russia (1917-1991)

苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 (w)

(sūwéiāishèhuìzhǔyìgònghéguóliánméng) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1922-1991; abbr. 蘇聯|苏联 Soviet Union

苏美尔 (w)

(sūměiěr) Sumer (Šumer), one of the early civilizations of the Ancient Near East

苏联 (w)

(sūlián) Soviet Union, 1922-1991; abbr. for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟|苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟

苏联之友社 (w)

(sūliánzhīyǒushè) Soviet Union friendly society

苏联共产党 (w)

(sūliángòngchǎndǎng) Communist Party of the Soviet Union

苏联最高苏维埃 (w)

(sūliánzuìgāosūwéiāi) Supreme Soviet

苏胺酸 (w)

(sūànsuān) threonine

苏菜 (w)

(sūcài) Jiangsu cuisine

苏菲 (w)

(sūfēi) Sophie (name); Sufi (Muslim mystic)

苏莱曼 (w)

(sūláimàn) Suleiman (name); General Michel Suleiman (1948-), Lebanese military man and politician, president of Lebanon from 2008

苏西洛 (w)

(sūxīluò) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (1949-, retired Indonesian general, President of the Republic of Indonesia from 2004)

苏贞昌 (w)

(sūzhēnchāng) Su Tseng-chang (1947-), Taiwanese DPP politician

苏轼 (w)

(sūshì) Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡[Su1 Dong1 po1] northern Song Dynasty writer and calligrapher; one of the Three Su father and sons 三蘇|三苏[San1 Su1] and one of the Eight Giants of Tang and Song Prose 唐宋八大家[Tang2 Song4 Ba1 Da4 jia1]

苏辙 (w)

(sūzhé) Su Zhe (1039-1112), northern Song writer and calligrapher; one of 三苏 and one of 唐宋八大家

苏迪曼杯 (w)

(sūdímànbēi) Sudirman cup (world badminton team competition)

苏醒 (w)

(sūxǐng) to wake up; to regain consciousness

苏里南 (w)

(sūlǐnán) Suriname

苏里南河 (w)

(sūlǐnánhé) Suriname River

苏金达 (w)

(sūjīndá) Sukinda, Indian city

苏铁 (w)

(sūtiě) Cycas revoluta

苏门答腊 (w)

(sūméndálà) Sumatra, one of the Indonesian islands

苏门答腊岛 (w)

(sūméndálàdǎo) Sumatra (one of the Indonesian islands)

苏门达腊 (w)

(sūméndálà) variant of 蘇門答臘|苏门答腊[Su1 men2 da2 la4]

苏非主义 (w)

(sūfēizhǔyì) Sufism (Islamic mystic tradition)

苏黎世 (w)

(sūlíshì) Zurich, Switzerland

苏黎世联邦理工学院 (w)

(sūlíshìliánbānglǐgōngxuéyuàn) Eidgenössische technische Hochschule ETFH Zürich, a university

苏黎士 (w)

(sūlíshì) Zürich (Swiss city)