
(huāng) desolate; shortage; scarce; out of practice; absurd; uncultivated; to neglect

荒僻 (w)

(huāngpì) desolate; deserted; out-of-the-way

荒原 (w)

(huāngyuán) wasteland

荒唐 (w)

(huāngtáng) beyond belief; preposterous; absurd; intemperate; dissipated

荒唐无稽 (w)

(huāngtángwújī) preposterous

荒地 (w)

(huāngdì) wasteland; uncultivated land

荒寒 (w)

(huānghán) desolate and cold; frozen wastes

荒山野岭 (w)

(huāngshānyělǐng) wild, mountainous country

荒岛 (w)

(huāngdǎo) barren or uninhabited island; CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]

荒废 (w)

(huāngfèi) to abandon (cultivated fields); no longer cultivated; to lie waste; wasted; to neglect (one's work or study)

荒怪不经 (w)

(huāngguàibùjīng) absurd; unthinkable

荒旱 (w)

(huānghàn) drought and famine

荒村 (w)

(huāngcūn) an abandoned village

荒弃 (w)

(huāngqì) to abandon; to let go to waste

荒凉 (w)

(huāngliáng) desolate

荒淫 (w)

(huāngyín) licentious

荒淫无耻 (w)

(huāngyínwúchǐ) shameless

荒漠 (w)

(huāngmò) barren

荒漠化 (w)

(huāngmòhuà) desertification

荒无人烟 (w)

(huāngwúrényān) desolate and uninhabited (idiom)

荒烟蔓草 (w)

(huāngyānmàncǎo) lit. abandoned by men and choked with weeds; desolate (idiom)

荒疏 (w)

(huāngshū) to be out of practice; rusty

荒瘠 (w)

(huāngjí) desolate and poor; infertile

荒草 (w)

(huāngcǎo) weeds; brush (vegetation); wild grassland

荒芜 (w)

(huāngwú) left to return to unchecked growth; overgrown; grown wild

荒诞 (w)

(huāngdàn) beyond belief; incredible; preposterous; fantastic

荒诞不经 (w)

(huāngdànbùjīng) absurd; preposterous; ridiculous

荒诞无稽 (w)

(huāngdànwújī) ridiculous; unbelievable; absurd

荒谬 (w)

(huāngmiù) absurd; ridiculous

荒谬无稽 (w)

(huāngmiùwújī) completely ridiculous and unfounded

荒谬绝伦 (w)

(huāngmiùjuélún) absolutely ridiculous (idiom); preposterous; the height of folly

荒遐 (w)

(huāngxiá) remote region

荒郊 (w)

(huāngjiāo) desolate area outside a town

荒野 (w)

(huāngyě) wilderness