
(gě) surname Ge


(gé) kudzu (Pueraria lobata); hemp cloth

葛优 (w)

(gěyōu) Ge You (Chinese actor)

葛巾 (w)

(géjīn) hemp headcloth

葛布 (w)

(gébù) hemp cloth

葛根 (w)

(gégēn) tuber of the kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata) used in Chinese medicine

葛法翁 (w)

(gěfǎwēng) Capernaum (biblical town on the Sea of Galilee)

葛洲坝 (w)

(gézhōubà) name of a place, Gezhouba Dam on the Changjiang River, in Sichuan

葛瑞格尔 (w)

(gěruìgéěr) Gregoire (name)

葛粉 (w)

(géfěn) starch of pueraria root; arrowroot flour

葛缕子 (w)

(gělǚzi) caraway; Persian cumin (Carum carvi)

葛莱美奖 (w)

(gěláiměijiǎng) Grammy Award (US prize for music recording); also written 格萊美獎|格莱美奖

葛藤 (w)

(géténg) tangle of vines; fig. complications

葛兰素史克 (w)

(gělánsùshǐkè) GlaxoSmithKline, US pharmaceutical company