
(cōng) scallion; green onion

葱属 (w)

(cōngshǔ) genus Allium

葱岭 (w)

(cōnglǐng) old name for the Pamir high plateau 帕米爾高原|帕米尔高原[Pa4 mi3 er3 Gao1 yuan2] on the border between Xinjiang and Tajikistan

葱绿 (w)

(cōnglǜ) verdant

葱翠 (w)

(cōngcuì) fresh green

葱花 (w)

(cōnghuā) chopped onion

葱葱 (w)

(cōngcōng) verdant and thick (foliage, grass etc)

葱茏 (w)

(cōnglóng) verdant and lush

葱头 (w)

(cōngtóu) onion; Western round onion

葱郁 (w)

(cōngyù) verdant; lush green and full of life

葱黄 (w)

(cōnghuáng) yellow green