
(bó) surname Bo


(báo) thin; cold in manner; indifferent; weak; light; infertile


(bó) meager; slight; weak; ungenerous or unkind; frivolous; to despise; to belittle; to look down on; to approach or near


(bò) see 薄荷[bo4 he5]

薄一波 (w)

(bóyībō) Bo Yibo (1908-2007), ranking PRC politician, served on State Council from 1950s to 1980s as colleague of Deng Xiaoping

薄利 (w)

(bólì) small profits

薄利多销 (w)

(bólìduōxiāo) small profit but rapid turnover

薄厚 (w)

(bóhòu) meanness and generosity; intimacy and alienation

薄命 (w)

(bómìng) to be born under an unlucky star (usu. of women); to be born unlucky

薄地 (w)

(bódì) barren land; poor soil

薄层 (w)

(báocéng) thin layer; thin slice; film; lamina; lamella

薄幸 (w)

(bóxìng) fickle; inconstant person

薄弱 (w)

(bóruò) weak; frail

薄待 (w)

(bódài) mean treatment; indifference; meager hospitality

薄情 (w)

(bóqíng) inconstant in love; fickle

薄技 (w)

(bójì) meager skill; my poor talents (humble)

薄明 (w)

(bómíng) dim light; early dawn

薄暗 (w)

(bóàn) at dusk; evening

薄暮 (w)

(bómù) dusk; twilight

薄晓 (w)

(bóxiǎo) at dawn

薄板 (w)

(báobǎn) metal sheet; lamina

薄油层 (w)

(bóyóucéng) oil sheet

薄海 (w)

(bóhǎi) vast area; all the way to the sea

薄烤饼 (w)

(bókǎobǐng) pancake

薄熙来 (w)

(bóxīlái) Bo Xilai (1949-), PRC politician, Minister of Commerce from 2004, Politburo member from 2007

薄片 (w)

(báopiàn) thin slice; thin section; flake; Taiwan pr. [bo2 pian4]

薄瑞光 (w)

(bóruìguāng) Raymond Burghard (1945-), US diplomat and ambassador to Vietnam 2001-2004, chairman of American Institute in Taiwan from 2006

薄产 (w)

(bóchǎn) meager estate; small means

薄田 (w)

(bótián) barren field; poor land

薄礼 (w)

(bólǐ) my meager gift (humble)

薄纱 (w)

(báoshā) gauze (cloth)

薄纸 (w)

(báozhǐ) tissue; kleenex

薄胎瓷器 (w)

(bótāicíqì) eggshell china

薄脆 (w)

(báocuì) crispy thin (cooking style)

薄膜 (w)

(bómó) membrane; film; CL:層|层[ceng2]

薄荷 (w)

(bòhe) field mint; peppermint

薄荷油 (w)

(bòheyóu) peppermint oil

薄透镜 (w)

(báotòujìng) thin lens (i.e. of negligible thickness in optics)

薄酒 (w)

(báojiǔ) dilute wine; insipid wine; I'm sorry the wine I offer you is so poor. (humble)

薄酬 (w)

(bóchóu) small reward (for work); meager remuneration

薄雾 (w)

(bówù) mist; haze

薄面 (w)

(bómiàn) my meager sensibilities; blushing face; please do it for my sake (i.e. to save my face)(humble)

薄饼 (w)

(báobǐng) thin flat cake; pancake; pizza

薄养厚葬 (w)

(bóyǎnghòuzàng) to neglect one's parents but give them a rich funeral; hypocrisy in arranging a lavish funeral after treating one's parents meanly