
(cán) silkworm

蚕丛 (w)

(cáncóng) Can Cong, legendary creator of silk and sericulture

蚕子 (w)

(cánzǐ) silkworm eggs

蚕宝宝 (w)

(cánbǎobǎo) silkworm

蚕山 (w)

(cánshān) silkworm nest (bundle of straw etc provided for silkworm to spin their cocoons)

蚕沙 (w)

(cánshā) silkworm guano (excrement)

蚕眠 (w)

(cánmián) hibernation period of silkworms

蚕眠字 (w)

(cánmiánzì) handwriting that resembles a hibernating silkworm

蚕种 (w)

(cánzhǒng) silkworm eggs

蚕箔 (w)

(cánbó) tray of straw for raising silkworms; fig. sericulture

蚕纸 (w)

(cánzhǐ) paper on which silkworm lays its eggs

蚕丝 (w)

(cánsī) natural silk (secreted by silkworm)

蚕茧 (w)

(cánjiǎn) silkworm cocoon

蚕茧纸 (w)

(cánjiǎnzhǐ) paper made from silkworm cocoons

蚕蔟 (w)

(cáncù) silkworm nest (bundle of straw etc provided for silkworm to spin their cocoons)

蚕薄 (w)

(cánbó) variant of 蠶箔|蚕箔[can2 bo2]

蚕蛹 (w)

(cányǒng) silkworm chrysalis; pupa

蚕蛾 (w)

(cáné) Chinese silkworm moth (Bombyx mori)

蚕蚁 (w)

(cányǐ) newly hatched silkworm

蚕豆 (w)

(cándòu) broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean

蚕豆症 (w)

(cándòuzhèng) G6PD deficiency

蚕农 (w)

(cánnóng) sericulture; raising silkworms

蚕食 (w)

(cánshí) to nibble away at (as silkworm consume leaves); fig. to embezzle progressively