
(biǎo) exterior surface; family relationship via females; to show (one's opinion); a model; a table (listing information); a form; a meter (measuring sth)

表位 (w)

(biǎowèi) epitope (in immunology); antigenic determinant

表兄 (w)

(biǎoxiōng) older male cousin via female line

表兄弟 (w)

(biǎoxiōngdì) male cousins via female line

表册 (w)

(biǎocè) statistical form; book of tables or forms

表叔 (w)

(biǎoshū) son of grandfather's sister; son of grandmother's brother or sister; father's younger male cousin; Hong Kong term for mainland government official come to work in Hong Kong (slang)

表哥 (w)

(biǎogē) older male cousin via female line

表单 (w)

(biǎodān) form (document)

表土 (w)

(biǎotǔ) surface soil; topsoil

表报 (w)

(biǎobào) statistical tables and reports

表妹 (w)

(biǎomèi) younger female cousin via female line

表姊妹 (w)

(biǎozǐmèi) father's sister's daughters; maternal female cousin

表姐 (w)

(biǎojiě) older female cousin via female line

表姐妹 (w)

(biǎojiěmèi) female cousins via female line

表姑 (w)

(biǎogū) father's female cousin via female line

表侄 (w)

(biǎozhí) son of a male cousin via female line

表侄女 (w)

(biǎozhínǚ) daughter of a male cousin via female line

表字 (w)

(biǎozì) literary name (an alternative name of person stressing a moral principle)

表尺 (w)

(biǎochǐ) rear sight (of a gun)

表层 (w)

(biǎocéng) surface layer

表带 (w)

(biǎodài) watchband; watch strap

表弟 (w)

(biǎodì) younger male cousin via female line

表彰 (w)

(biǎozhāng) to honor; to commend; to cite (in dispatches)

表征 (w)

(biǎozhēng) symbol; indicator; representation

表情 (w)

(biǎoqíng) (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression

表意 (w)

(biǎoyì) to express meaning; ideographic

表意文字 (w)

(biǎoyìwénzì) ideograph; ideographical writing system

表意符阶段 (w)

(biǎoyìfújiēduàn) logographic stage

表态 (w)

(biǎotài) to declare one's position; to say where one stands

表扬 (w)

(biǎoyáng) to praise; to commend

表明 (w)

(biǎomíng) to make clear; to make known; to state clearly; to indicate; known

表格 (w)

(biǎogé) form; table; CL:張|张[zhang1],份[fen4]

表决 (w)

(biǎojué) to decide by vote; to vote

表决权 (w)

(biǎojuéquán) right to vote; vote

表温 (w)

(biǎowēn) surface temperature

表演 (w)

(biǎoyǎn) play; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to demonstrate; CL:場|场[chang3]

表演赛 (w)

(biǎoyǎnsài) exhibition match

表演过火 (w)

(biǎoyǎnguòhuǒ) to overact; to overdo one's part

表率 (w)

(biǎoshuài) example; model

表现 (w)

(biǎoxiàn) to show; to show off; to display; to manifest; expression; manifestation; show; display; performance (at work etc)

表现力 (w)

(biǎoxiànlì) expressive power

表现型 (w)

(biǎoxiànxíng) phenotype

表现自己 (w)

(biǎoxiànzìjǐ) to express oneself; to give an account of oneself; to project oneself; to show off

表白 (w)

(biǎobái) to explain oneself; to express; to reveal one's thoughts or feelings; declaration; confession

表皮 (w)

(biǎopí) epidermis; cuticle

表皮剥脱素 (w)

(biǎopíbōtuōsù) exotoxin

表盘 (w)

(biǎopán) meter dial; watch face

表示 (w)

(biǎoshì) to express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; to mean

表示层 (w)

(biǎoshìcéng) presentation layer

表示敬意 (w)

(biǎoshìjìngyì) respectful; to show respect

表章 (w)

(biǎozhāng) memorial to the Emperor

表里 (w)

(biǎolǐ) the outside and the inside; one's outward show and inner thoughts; exterior and interior

表里不一 (w)

(biǎolǐbùyī) outside appearance and inner reality differ (idiom); not what it seems; saying one thing but meaning sth different

表里如一 (w)

(biǎolǐrúyī) external appearance and inner thoughts coincide (idiom); to say what one means; to think and act as one

表亲 (w)

(biǎoqīn) cousin; cousinship

表观 (w)

(biǎoguān) apparent

表记 (w)

(biǎojì) sth given as a token; souvenir

表语 (w)

(biǎoyǔ) predicative

表证 (w)

(biǎozhèng) superficial syndrome; illness that has not attacked the vital organs of the human body

表象 (w)

(biǎoxiàng) idea

表述 (w)

(biǎoshù) to formulate; enunciation; to explain sth precisely

表达 (w)

(biǎodá) to voice (an opinion); to express; to convey

表达失语症 (w)

(biǎodáshīyǔzhèng) expressive aphasia

表达式 (w)

(biǎodáshì) expression (math.); displayed formula

表露 (w)

(biǎolù) show; reveal

表面 (w)

(biǎomiàn) surface; face; outside; appearance

表面信息 (w)

(biǎomiànxìnxī) surface information

表面化 (w)

(biǎomiànhuà) to come to the surface; to become apparent

表面外膜 (w)

(biǎomiànwàimó) surface coat

表面张力 (w)

(biǎomiànzhānglì) surface tension

表面文章 (w)

(biǎomiànwénzhāng) superficial show; going through the motions

表面活化剂 (w)

(biǎomiànhuóhuàjì) surfactant

表面活性剂 (w)

(biǎomiànhuóxìngjì) surfactant

表音 (w)

(biǎoyīn) phonetic; phonological; transliteration


(biǎo) wrist or pocket watch

表带 (w)

(biǎodài) watchband; watch strap

表盘 (w)

(biǎopán) variant of 表盤|表盘[biao3 pan2]; watch face

表蒙子 (w)

(biǎoméngzi) watch glass; crystal

表针 (w)

(biǎozhēn) hand of a clock