
(cuī) mourning garments


(shuāi) to decline; to wane; to become weak or feeble

衰之以属 (w)

(shuāizhīyǐshǔ) to treat a debility according to its nature

衰亡 (w)

(shuāiwáng) to decline; to die out; decline and fall

衰弱 (w)

(shuāiruò) weak; feeble

衰微 (w)

(shuāiwēi) to decline; to wane; weakened; enfeebled; in decline

衰败 (w)

(shuāibài) to decline; to wane; to decay; to deteriorate

衰朽 (w)

(shuāixiǔ) decaying; decrepit; aged and crumbling

衰减 (w)

(shuāijiǎn) to weaken; to attenuate

衰竭 (w)

(shuāijié) organ failure; exhaustion; prostration (medicine)

衰老 (w)

(shuāilǎo) to age; to deteriorate with age; old and weak

衰落 (w)

(shuāiluò) to fall; to drop; to decline; to deteriorate; to go downhill

衰变 (w)

(shuāibiàn) radioactive decay

衰变曲线 (w)

(shuāibiànqūxiàn) decay curves

衰变热 (w)

(shuāibiànrè) decay heat

衰变链 (w)

(shuāibiànliàn) decay chain

衰退 (w)

(shuāituì) to decline; to fall; to drop; to falter; a decline; recession (in economics)

衰退期 (w)

(shuāituìqī) recession (in economics)

衰运 (w)

(shuāiyùn) decline in fortunes

衰颓 (w)

(shuāituí) uninspired; dejected; discouraged