
(xǔ) surname Xu


(xǔ) to allow; to permit; to praise; somewhat; perhaps

许下愿心 (w)

(xǔxiàyuànxīn) to express a wish (to a deity)

许久 (w)

(xǔjiǔ) for a long time; for ages

许仙 (w)

(xǔxiān) name of a person, Xu Xian, from Madam White Snake

许仲琳 (w)

(xǔzhònglín) Xu Zhonglin or Chen Zhonglin 陳仲琳|陈仲琳 (c. 1567-c. 1620), Ming novelist, to whom the fantasy novel Investure of the Gods 封神演義|封神演义 is attributed, together with Lu Xixing 陸西星|陆西星

许信良 (w)

(xǔxìnliáng) Hsu Hsin-liang (1941-), Taiwanese politician

许可 (w)

(xǔkě) to allow; to permit

许可协议 (w)

(xǔkěxiéyì) license

许可证 (w)

(xǔkězhèng) license; authorization; permit

许和 (w)

(xǔhé) to allow; permit

许地山 (w)

(xǔdìshān) Xu Dishan (1893-1941), journalist, publisher and novelist

许多 (w)

(xǔduō) many; a lot of; much

许婚 (w)

(xǔhūn) to become engaged; to affiance (a daughter)

许嫁 (w)

(xǔjià) allowed to marry

许字 (w)

(xǔzì) betrothed

许廑父 (w)

(xǔqínfù) Xu Qinfu (1891-1953), journalist and writer

许慎 (w)

(xǔshèn) Xu Shen (-147) the compiler of the original Han dynasty dictionary Shuowen Jiezi 說文解字|说文解字

许旺细胞 (w)

(xǔwàngxìbāo) Schwann cell (support axon of nerve cell); neurolemmocyte

许昌 (w)

(xǔchāng) Xuchang prefecture level city in north Henan, on the Beijing-Guangzhou railway line

许昌地区 (w)

(xǔchāngdìqū) Xuchang prefecture in Henan

许昌市 (w)

(xǔchāngshì) Xuchang prefecture level city in north Henan, on the Beijing-Guangzhou railway line

许昌县 (w)

(xǔchāngxiàn) Xuchang county in Xuchang city 許昌市|许昌市[Xu3 chang1 shi4], Henan

许海峰 (w)

(xǔhǎifēng) Xu Haifeng (1957-), PRC sharpshooter, 50m pistol gold medalist at Los Angeles 1984 Olympics

许亲 (w)

(xǔqīn) to accept a marriage proposal

许诺 (w)

(xǔnuò) promise; pledge

许配 (w)

(xǔpèi) to betroth a girl (in arranged marriages)

许愿 (w)

(xǔyuàn) to make a wish; to make a vow; to promise a reward